
Star-Bulletin staff and wire

German shipper to pay $750,000 fine

A German shipping company pleaded guilty yesterday to violating marine environmental laws and agreed to pay a $750,000 fine, according to the U.S. Justice Department in Honolulu.

Schlussel Reederei KG admitted in federal court yesterday that its employees on the container ship Ibuki had lied to Coast Guard inspectors about discharges of oily bilge from the ship. During a Nov. 1 Coast Guard check, inspectors found evidence of oily bilge water discharges that were not in the ship's record, as required under federal law.

Each of the indictment's two counts against Schlussel carries a maximum potential fine of $500,000.

In the agreement reached with U.S. Attorney Edward Kubo, the company agreed that $250,000 of its fine would be earmarked for projects to benefit, preserve and restore Hawaii's coastal environment.

The Ibuki was en route from Asia to the U.S. mainland when the violation was discovered. It was then detained for two weeks in Honolulu during an investigation by the Coast Guard, Environmental Protection Agency and the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Harris donor indicted for using false name

An Oahu grand jury indicted a Hawaii woman for making illegal campaign contributions to Mayor Jeremy Harris' campaign.

The secret panel alleged that Leigh Anne Quan had made a $2,000 political donation under a false name. The misdemeanor is punishable by up to a year in prison and a $2,000 fine.

Howard Luke, Quan's attorney, declined to comment. State records indicate that Quan contributed $2,500 to the Harris campaign in 2000 and 2001.

Police, Fire, Courts


By Star-Bulletin staff


3 from Japan robbed in Waikiki hotel room

Three Japanese tourists were robbed in their Waikiki hotel room Monday night. Police said the four robbers -- three men and a woman -- forced their way into the victims' hotel room between 8:40 and 8:55 p.m. armed with guns. After searching the room, the intruders took some of the victims' belongings and left. Police have made no arrests and are investigated the incident as a first-degree robbery.


Remains identified as 1996 suicide

Kona police have positively identified the skeletal remains of a body found Thursday as those of Astral Ananda, a 52-year-old man who had disappeared more than eight years ago.

The identification was confirmed through examination of dental records during an autopsy on Friday.

West Hawaii Criminal Investigation Section detectives said the results of the autopsy were consistent with death from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

Ananda's remains were found in the Sunset subdivision of Kailua-Kona. He was reported missing on Aug. 28, 1996. At the time, he was described as despondent and had left a suicide note in his Sunset subdivision residence.


Maui police describe Taser use as success

WAILUKU » Maui police officials said the use of Taser electrical shock guns since Oct. 16 has helped to subdue 28 people and an attacking dog without any significant side effects.

"There have been no secondary injuries due to the deployment of the Taser on any party or animal," said Acting Police Lt. Jamie Becraft yesterday.

"No officer has received injury from the use of the Taser."

Becraft said police have shot the prongs of the Taser to subdue 11 people, including a Wailuku juvenile male with a knife and a Kula man who planned to kill himself.


High surf keeping lifeguards busy

Lifeguards have warned about 2,000 people to get out of dangerous waters during recent high surf.

"We managed to keep the people back except at Waimea Bay, where there were two dramatic Jet Ski rescues," said Capt. Klaus Bodo Van Der Leeden. "The crowd was up on its feet and applauding the lifeguards."

A lifeguard rescued a surfer in his mid-30s who lost his board yesterday morning in powerful waves at Waimea Bay, Van Der Leeden said.

High surf is expected to continue through tomorrow.

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