Questions for you,
Mr. Frazier
HAWAII athletic director Herman Frazier meant to be a guest on the Star-Bulletin's radio show last week. He wanted to be there. He couldn't make it, because, as usual, Monday Night Football went long and the show started late.
I couldn't make it because I was still recovering from covering the Honolulu Marathon. Freezing to death in the dark on a Sunday morning calls for some time off. I think it's in the union contract.
So we missed each other. It's a shame, because you don't get the chance to ask questions of Frazier often, and I had been thinking all week about a few questions we could ask him.
But maybe it's just as well. I am terrible in that situation, trying to pose questions in public, on the air, trying to jump into a four-way conversation.
And Frazier is too good in that situation. He could take that first query and run with it, and keep running. He's a smart guy. He's an AD. This is what you get when you combine a politician with a 400-meter man. He's very, very good.
So let's do this instead. Let's ask the questions anyway, here, today. Maybe that's the important thing. He can get back to us. And, as we have learned in life, sometimes the answer that you get isn't as important as the fact that the question was asked.
So. Hey, Herman:
» What about this bowl game? No doubt you had many good times and many good friends at UAB. But it's also well documented that you had your share of headaches there. In any case, there was unfinished business there when you left that job to take this one. So were you happy to see this matchup? Did you dread it? Is it a mixed feelings kind of thing?
And, most important, how badly do you want to beat these guys?
» Television. With the new UH sports TV contract coming up, what is most important in the deal? Money? Not hurting actual attendance? A host the coach feels most comfortable with? What is the future of UH sports on local TV? (And isn't it fun to have two stations fighting over you for every event not covered by the current contract?)
» Have you yourself sat in those new UH basketball courtside seats? Even for a second or two, just to, you know, "quality control" test one out? Are they as comfortable as they look?
» How many other "out of the box" revenue streams like this are you going to have to find and how many are you working on right now?
» How many years is a home-game bowl game good for UH before it's time to move on to the "next level"?
» When something happens like happened to the Rainbow Wahine with the NCAA and seeding and travel, what can you do beforehand to prevent that? And what can you do afterward? What did you do this time, before and after?
» When you guys stayed on a ship instead of in a hotel at the Athens Olympics, was it like the timeless TV classic "Love Boat" (please say yes; and if so, which USOC official was most like "Gopher")?
» One of the reasons for your hiring was to help bring international training and competition to Hawaii and UH. What's the latest news on stuff we might see in the future?
» What has to happen for the state of Hawaii to produce more Bryan Clays?
» Now that UH football has made it into the Hawaii Bowl, is everything cool again? I mean, there were a number of critical concerns this year -- everything from on-the-field losses to in-the-seats attendance to off-the-field public relations mistakes (but it's Christmas time so let's not get into those details today). Now that UH has made it into the bowl is everything forgiven and forgotten and back to normal? Or are there still things that need to be looked into this offseason?
» The steroids, BALCO. You guys knew this was happening, yeah? You just needed someone to admit it?
» Can UH baseball ever be a money-maker again and is there a plan to make it happen?
» Can UH track ever have true "home" meets with a full field of opposing mainland teams?
» Is Dave Shoji due for a big raise?
» Do you still find time to get out and do a little running?
» Did all those problems you foresaw (and we're guessing you did also, which is why you went along with trying to keep it secret) with the disclosure of June Jones' contract come true? Did it cost the school money?
» When was the last time you wore your gold medal? (No shame. I have a football helmet at home that on occasion I will ... uh, never mind.)
» And finally, in this season of goodwill and giving -- can you help me find a group of anonymous private donors?
Good luck, Mr. Frazier. Merry Christmas, and good luck.

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