
Kokua Line
June Watanabe

Unwanted bikes
have Waialua home

Question: I am finally clearing out my garage and have a few children's bicycles. They are rusty and the tires need replacing but with some elbow grease, paint and tires, I'm sure that they can be "re-CYCLED"! I recall, years ago, reading about someone who restored bicycles for less advantaged children. Would you have a name and number for this person or someone/someplace who is interested? I would be willing to deliver the bicycles and even make a monetary donation to help with the restoration. I hate to see them tossed in the dump when they could be put to good use.

Answer: Waialua High and Intermediate School's Workplace Readiness Class would welcome your donations.

"Kids do hands-on work" repairing the bikes, said instructor Randall Erice. The bikes are then given back to the community.

In fact, the class is finishing up its first-semester project, in which it will donate 30 to 40 refurbished bicycles to the North Shore News to give out to needy children in the Waialua-Haleiwa area on Christmas Day, Erice said.

The class also donates bikes to schools as prizes for raffles, he said. While most of the bikes are for children, the students also work on adult-sized bikes.

As long as a bike can be repaired or parts can be salvaged, "we'll accept it," Erice said.

If it's just one bike, he prefers people dropping it off at the school, 67-160 Farrington Highway.

However, he said pickups can be arranged.

Donations are tax-deductible.

Q: Can you please advise when all the work on Kuhio Avenue is supposed to be finished? On a recent holiday to Waikiki, I noted that in many areas, including where work was "finished," there were still parts taped off, boards covering holes and traffic cones blocking off unfinished work, which made walking a bit of an obstacle course.

A: The project is "moving along rapidly," according to city spokeswoman Carol Costa, who issued a press release yesterday about a dedication ceremony planned for Sunday.

Most of the work, except for some landscaping in a parking lot, on the Kuhio Avenue improvement project will be completed by Sunday, she said.

The dedication will take place at 10 a.m. at Gateway Park, at the entrance to Waikiki at Kuhio and Kalakaua avenues.

Costa said the event will also allow residents and visitors to ride the city's new hybrid electric buses, dubbed The Transit.


I was in Castle Medical Center on Nov. 5, when there was a flood warning for Windward Oahu. After visiting me, my wife left for home about 6 p.m. I tried calling her from about 8 p.m. to after 10 p.m. with no luck. I called a telephone operator, who checked and said there was nothing wrong with our phone line. I then called a police dispatcher, who sent an officer to check on my wife. It turned out she was fine. I am grateful to all of those people for their politeness and help. -- M. Foster


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