Kids exhibit at zoo
starts construction
Construction on a Honolulu Zoo interactive kids exhibit started this week, and its first phase is expected to be completed in August, officials said.
The zoo's Discovery Zone project has six phases, the first of which includes construction of an 8,000-square-foot Keiki Zoo to replace the existing Children's Zoo. Expected completion dates on the other phases weren't released.
The second phase of the plan includes construction of a two-story learning center, which will have classrooms and a 150-seat auditorium.
The zoo is fund raising to help pay for the renovations, and announced yesterday that the Harold K.L. Castle Foundation had donated $1 million to the project. Zoo Director Ken Redman said the renovations are part of the zoo's master plan and are aimed at making the zoo more educational and interactive.
"The new Keiki Zoo will give everyone a better experience with more animals and enhanced learning opportunities," Redman said. "The new facility is also three times larger, which will allow us to serve many more children and families."