ALOHA, BANGARRA!: Kumu hula Victoria Holt Takamine brought leis and performed a chant of welcome during the reception hosted by Australian Consul General John Quinn, sixth from left, in honor of the Bangarra Dance Theatre on Wednesday. Bangarra troupe member Tim Bishop, left, and artistic director/choreographer Stephen Page, third from left, talked dance and culture with Peter Rockford Espiritu, second from left, Dr. John Magauran, and Hawaii international Film Festival executive director Chuck Boller. The Bangarra Dance Theatre performs at the Hawaii Theatre today and tomorrow.

NIPPONDAMIC ROCKS VENUS: Nippondamic worked the crowd with cuts from his debut album, "Sporadic Thoughts," while the judges tallied their scores during "Double Trouble," a combination bartending and juggling concert at Venus Nightclub on Sunday.

"THREE BALD MEN WALK INTO VENUS...": Tino Ibach, left, caught up with Hot 93.9 stars Slick Vic and Big Teeze before the "Double Trouble"contest got started at Venus on Sunday. Those on the scene know that Ibach has been clean-shaven for several months as part of his hip post-Rhythm Klub look. Vic and Teeze emceed the late-night event.

"PLAYMAKERS' SCORES AT REIGN: Kim Russell, center, got her new weekly "Playmakers" Monday Night Football party off to a great start at Reign on Monday. A free heavy pupu buffet eliminated any need for dinner. Russell's squad of "Playmaker Girls," including Chris Takafuji and Jojo, added to the sporty ambiance

"TAKE THAT, BULLSHOT!" : Director Dennis Proulx, center, clowned with cast members Mark Miller and Jennifer Robideau after The Actors Group production of "Bullshot Crummond" opened at the Yellow Brick Studio on Wednesday. Miller stars in the title role.
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