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A few bits about restoring NatatoriumThe statehood commemorative two-bit piece will be out soon, and I want to tender my advice on the design for that new money: I propose the statehood quarter feature both the Natatorium and Duke Kahanamoku about to swim across the pool whose tides are the votive pulse of those brave youth who sacrificed their lives during World War I.In one sense the memorial may be said to have been paid in full through blood; it was in fact paid by pennies donated by schoolchildren throughout the Hawaiian isles.
Richard Thompson
Visiting professor, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea Hawaii resident Gold medal dispute should be no contestIn the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, South Korea, U.S. boxer Roy Jones Jr. kicked the butt of South Korean Si-hun Park for three rounds and still lost the decision. Therefore, regarding the scoring controversy surrounding gymnastics gold-medalist Paul Hamm and Yang Tae-young of South Korea, I say what goes around comes around.
Herbert Endo
Honolulu Hula Bowl created a big Hawaii fanI read that the Maui County Council is considering withdrawing support for the annual Hula Bowl football game. In my opinion, the money spent is far outweighed by the value of the advertising for isle tourism.For years while growing up in the Midwest, I watched the Hula Bowl game and marveled at the warm weather, sunny skies and short-sleeves shirts of the game attendees, while I huddled inside as protection from the wintery cold and blowing snow. I resolved way back then that I would someday visit Hawaii. Fast forward to current day -- my wife and I were married on Maui in 1999 and have returned on vacation every year since. I think we've contributed enough ourselves over the years to the Hawaiian economy to fund one year of the Hula Bowl event! Every mention of Hawaii in the mainland press and on TV brings more visitors to your beautiful islands. If tourism is the lifeblood of the Hawaiian economy, then events like the Hula Bowl are the heart that keeps the blood flowing.
Dan Endsley
Redondo Beach, Calif. Cahill made life in Hawaii even betterI am very sad to hear that Emmett Cahill has died (Star-Bulletin, Sept. 24). I met Emmett 30 years ago, when he recruited me to join a group he was putting together to work to get Kalaupapa declared a national historic park. It took years and many people, but Emmett was the one who kept things going. Without him, it would not have happened.That was Emmett -- seeing something good and useful that needed to be done, and finding a way to do it. This was the expression of his Catholic faith. He lived his faith day by day, inwardly and outwardly, seriously as a matter of the spirit, and at the same time always with an active open mind on social issues. He was an intelligent thinker and a great talker, with a flow of words and his own brand of Irish humor. Over the years, my phone calls from Emmett on the Big Island have been many; and when he was in town, we would get together for a meal and a drink -- always good company and good conversation. I am going to miss those good times. But what will stay with me is that Emmett was a good man. My life is the better for having known him, and Hawaii is the better for his life.
Gavan Daws
Honolulu Politicized BOE would be disruptiveWilliam Haning's Sept. 23 letter asked what I meant by my opinion that the governor's CARE candidates for the Board of Education would be disruptive to the BOE and Department of Education's operations.Regardless of how one feels about the local school board issue, I think we can agree on one thing: BOE members are elected to improve public education given the constitutionally designed single school district. Candidates for the BOE who want to persuade other members, the superintendent and legislators that the way to improve education is local school boards will be disappointed to find that the BOE does not have the authority to create local school boards. That authority lies with the Legislature. Therefore, such discussion at the BOE serves no purpose except to distract us from the work that needs to be done today. To campaign on an issue that is not within the scope of the BOE and further state that the candidate is intent on supporting the governor's agenda, instead of the public schools agenda, will only disrupt the BOE and department's operations for political reasons. In a Sept. 24 letter, Mike and Donna Stott refer to me as the person who "claims the public supports the incumbent BOE members and wants them to stay in office." I combed through the article to see if anything I said could be construed in such a conceited manner. I found nothing. It is unfortunate that they have mischaracterized my statement.
Garrett Toguchi
Member, Board of Education Kerry or Bush? What's the difference?Kerry or Bush? Why is it that half our population doesn't even bother to vote? The reason people do not vote is not because they don't care, but between a choice of white and white, does it really matter if you pick white? Even if it was a choice between white and black, how many times have you voted for a candidate and then watched as they did the opposite of what they promised? Remember "Read my lips. No new taxes?"Bush Senior didn't even bother to give an explanation like "I'm so sorry. When I made that statement I honestly believed that it was possible not to have to raise taxes but I'm only human and I made an error. Please forgive me." The only reason I vote is to get in the jury pool so I can do my civic duty to my community. So when you go to the polls don't vote Republicrat, vote for nobody, he's one righteous dude.
Joseph T. Bussen