Services celebrate world peace dayThe United Nations' "International Day of Peace" will be observed in Tuesday church services.East Honolulu Catholic and Protestant congregations will join in an ecumenical service at 7 p.m. at St. Patrick Church, 1124 7th Ave. The Bahai community also invited other faith communities to join in a 7:30 p.m. program at Honolulu Bahai Center, 2165 10th Ave. The event will feature poetry, prayers and music. Visitors who wish to perform a song or reading are asked to call 738-5683. A talk on "World Peace: Not Only Possible, but Inevitable" will be presented. The United Nations proclaimed the third Tuesday in September as an International Day of Peace, and Gov. Linda Lingle affirmed World Peace Day in a proclamation this week.
Lectures to explore love and relationshipsLove that is spiritual and unconditional will be the topic of lectures offered next week.» Family counselor Genie Joseph will discuss "Listening from the Heart" tomorrow in a talk sponsored by the Hawaii Association of International Buddhists. The 1 p.m. talk at Jodo Mission of Hawaii, 1429 Makiki St., is free and open to the public. Joseph talks about consciously choosing words when speaking and using compassion when listening to another person as the path to understanding others and uplifting one's own spirits. She is a marriage and family counselor and mediates in intergenerational and intercultural conflicts. She teaches at Chaminade University. » Relationships within families and with other people will be explored in a three-part seminar beginning at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at St. Michael the Archangel Eastern Catholic Church, 94-529 Ukee St., Waipio. The Rev. John Frederick, pastor, and his wife, Katherine, will use biblical texts to discuss the unconditional love proclaimed in "The Agape Love Message of Jesus." The seminar continues at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday at the church, located in Waipio Gentry Business Park across from the Spa. It is free and open to the public.
6 different faiths discuss nonviolenceSpeakers from six faith traditions will share their views on finding nonviolent solutions to conflict in an Oct. 2 exploration of the question "Is a Non-Killing Society Possible?""Women for Peace: An Interfaith Perspective" will feature talks by the panelists in a morning session, and the opportunity for the audience to exchange views in small groups in afternoon "Workshops on Seeking Peace, Resolving Conflict." The program from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Chaminade University Mystical Rose Oratory is part of the university's Fujitani Lectures, a program launched earlier this year to "promote interfaith dialogue and the search for understanding, peace and justice" and named for Buddhist Bishop Yoshiaki Fujitani, a longtime leader in ecumenism here. The question posed to the panelists comes from "Nonkilling Global Political Science," published in 2002 by Glenn Paige, president of the Center for Global Nonviolence in Honolulu. Diane Iwaoka, who has no religious affiliation, will be moderator. The panel includes:
» Alice Tucker, Jewish.Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door. The price includes lunch and refreshments. For information, call Brother Dennis Schmitz, 735-4801, or Poranee Natadecha-Sponsel, 735-4822; or visit the Web site marianisthawaii.org for registration forms.