HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRACE!: Grace Teng, third from left, celebrated her birthday with Malia Yoshioka, left, Shane Scarlett, Hazel Balmaceda, Janet In and Charlene Rivera as "Feng Shui" went off poolside at the Hyatt Regency Waikiki on Saturday. Parking wasn't a problem for people who arrived fashionably on time but late arrivals had a long wait.

WHEN PAUL MET AMY: Multi-talented 102.7 "Da Bomb" morning guy Paul Ogata met Better Brands exec Amy Jeuck in the VIP area when Rick Rock and Ian Fernandez presented "The Penthouse," a new weekly party at the Hanohano Room on Sunday. Ogata was there to support the event, which was co-promoted by "Da Bomb," and to promote upcoming film festival showings of his film, "Amerasian: The Amazing Asian." Ogata's wife didn't mind him "PR-ing" at the event, and Jeuck had a great time showing off her new Liz Claiborne necklace. Sheraton Waikiki hotel manager Ryan Laskey stopped by with an entourage to check out the new "25 and over" party.

"FENG SHUI" FASHIONS: Kimberly Russell, left, stole the show fashionwise as she partied with Chris Yozamp and Nadia Gabbie at "Feng Shui" on Saturday. A real estate agent by day, Russell designs high-impact clubwear and then has it custom-tailored "so no one will be wearing what I have." Her next design debuts soon.

INTRODUCING "PRINCE AKBAR": Veteran actor Norman Mu–oz arrived at "Feng Shui" around midnight with Geuevieve Fitzgerald, left, and Fran Gendrano. They'd come from an early evening house party that had an Arabian theme, and Mu–oz had dressed for the party, so Gendrano dubbed him "Prince Akbar."

SAM'S THE MAN: 102.7 "Da Bomb" star Sam The Man took a break from emceeing at the Hanohano Room on Sunday to welcome Rita Howard, left, Valerie Fortin and Tiera Efhan to the party. The three got plenty of attention as they danced to DJ Wu-Chang's mixes.
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