Healthiest people is topic of seminarA seminar on health and longevity tonight will focus on "the secrets of the world's healthiest and oldest living people."The lecture at 7 p.m. today at Wahiawa Seventh-day Adventist Church, 1313 California Ave., is free and open to the public. Dr. John Westerdahl, director of the Castle Medical Center Wellness & Lifestyle Medicine and Nutritional Services, will speak about the Hunza people of the Himalayas, who live to ages over 100. The program will also feature a showing of "The Miracle of Hunza -- Where People Don't Die Young," a documentary film produced by the late George Vandeman.
Lottery ends Friday for City Lights sitesWith August nearly over, can December be far behind?When the Honolulu City Lights extravaganza opens in early December, five sites near Honolulu Hale will be available for displays by church groups and other nonprofit organizations. Friday is the deadline for applications to be submitted to the city Department of Customer Services. Five finalists will be chosen from the applicants in a lottery Sept. 13. Last year, a dozen organizations applied. The lottery system was devised several years ago after a complaint was raised about a private religious Christmas display that was permitted among the city's secular scenes. In recent years, permits have been given to religious organizations for displays celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah and Bodhi Day, as well as to other nonprofit organizations. For application information, call Eric Kimura, 532-7790.
Bible texts as wisdom source to be exploredBible texts as the source of wisdom and practical guidance in life will be explored in the fall quarter of Bible Institute of Hawaii.Classes offered at several island churches beginning Sept. 13 will include: » "Hope and Healing for Broken People in a Broken World" a study of the prophet Isaiah, taught by the Rev. Andy Lee at Pearl City Community Church. » "Following Jesus in the Marketplace," living out faith in daily work and life situations, taught at noon in the downtown YWCA by Marlene Van Brocklin. » "Focused Living: Living a Life for God that Counts," taught by Craig Chong at Kalihi Union Church. » "Wisdom for the Way," using the book of Prophets, taught by Ian Farrell at St. Christopher's Episcopal Church in Kailua. » The first class in a certificate course for small-group leaders, taught by Ada Lum in two locations, Mililani and Nuuanu. » A seminar for children's ministry leaders, given by Vicki Wiley at First Presbyterian Church of Honolulu. Call 943-0833 or see www.biblehawaii.org for registration information. The fee is $35 with discounts for early registration, seniors, students, military members, first-time students and groups of three or more.
Central Union offers seniors' life workshopAn opportunity for senior citizens to reflect on their life and explore new challenges for the future is offered in the "Illuminated Life Workshop" beginning Sept. 1 at Central Union Church.Liz Bailey, a faculty member at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at University of Hawaii, will lead the 14-week course of reading, group discussions and shared experiences. The classes will meet at the church, 1660 S. Beretania St., from 10 a.m. to noon on Wednesdays through Dec. 1. It is open to people age 55 and older. The cost is $20 for registration and $15 for the workbook, with fee waivers available in cases of need. For information call church senior services director Charissa Raynor at 440-3008.
St. Francis celebrates 80 years with banquetSt. Francis School is celebrating its 80th year in Hawaii, but it will hark back 800 years for the theme of the banquet fund-raiser planned for Sept. 18."A Night in Assisi" at the Hilton Hawaiian Village will feature an Italian dinner and music by the Honolulu Brass and Na Leo Pilimehana. JoAnn Deak, author of "Girls Will Be Girls," will speak on "Males and Females: Significant Differences from the Neck Up." The party theme refers to the birthplace of St. Francis of Assisi, who turned to a life of poverty and service to the poor in the 13th century, starting what became the Franciscan religious order. The Manoa school for girls in sixth through 12th grade was founded in 1924 by the Sisters of the Third Franciscan Order of Syracuse, N.Y. Members of the order first came to Hawaii in 1883, led by Mother Marianne Cope on a mission to care for leprosy victims. Tickets start at $100. To make individual or table reservations, call the school development office, 988-4111.