We're ba-aa-ck! Fletcher Dragge, left, Jim Lindberg, Byron McMackin and Randy Bradbury are SoCal punk vets Pennywise, and they'll be here in concert next week.
P.O.’d Pennywise
hits Oahu
SoCal punk band Pennywise has been a regular visitor to the islands for at least 11 of its 16 years of existence. The band returns yet again this Thursday for a date at the Pipeline Cafe in support of its new album "From the Ashes." Made up of vocalist Jim Lindberg, guitarist Fletcher Dragge, bassist Jason Thirsk and drummer Byron McMackin, Pennywise is still p.o'd as ever, with raging songs from their latest album like "Now I Know," "Punch Drunk," "Falling Down" and "God Save the USA."
Local bands Mistermeaner and Generic will open the concert.
» Place: Pipeline Cafe, 805 Pohukaina St.
» Time: 7 p.m. Thursday
» Tickets: $20
» Info: hwnexp@aol.com

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