On the Scene

John Berger
A great weekend!

"WE WHO ARE ABOUT TO ROCK....": Jeremy Popoff, left, saluted the camera as he and the other members of Lit -- Kevin Baldes, A. Jay Popoff and Allen Shellenberger -- were getting ready to headline the Star 101.9 "Summer Heat Rave" at Volcanoes on Saturday. The opening acts were good but there was no question about who the big dogs were once Lit took the stage. The foursome personfied charisma, stage presence and high-energy power rock throughout their 65-minute set

"THIS BEER'S FOR YOU!": Kona Brewing Co. production manager Brit Antrim, center, his wife, Tammi, and company president Mattson C. Davis flew over from the Big Island to host a four-course "2004 Brewers Dinner" at the company's restaurant in Hawaii-Kai. A group of over 50 adventurous diners sampled blackened local ono paired with Fire Rock Pale Ale, salad with Steam Vent Lager, locally grown beef and spent grain buttermilk biscuits with Lavaman Red Ale, and a strawberry cobler accompanied by a Hula Hefeweizen weissbier. Antrim revealed that he got into brewing as a hobby and brewed at home before going pro. Another "beer dinner" is being planned.

RABBIT AND FRIENDS: Rabbit Kekai, center was one of the guests of honor as David Allaire, left and Bill Parsons, fourth from left celebrated the grand opening of Hula Grill in the Outrigger Waikiki on Friday. George Kakumoku Jr., right, and son Keoki played beautiful slack key while the guests enjoyed a great buffet dinner.

A NIGHT IN "BANGKOK": Jane Loo, left, Michael P. Healy, Ian Fernandez and Sondra Barker enjoyed heavy Thai pupus in the VIP area as Russell Tanoue's Piranha Room/"Seven Wonders of the World" parties continued with "Thailand" in the Ocean Club on Saturday. Late arrivals waited more than an hour to get in.

A BIG DAY FOR THE MEN IN WHITE: The members of Pono -- Joshua Kahula, standing left, Pi'ilani Arias, and Kaleo Phillips -- were joined by Kahi Kaonohi, kneeling left, Sani, Bruce Spencer, "Uncle Bobby" Moderow Jr., and Christian Yrizarry during the CD-release party for their debut album at Gordon Biersch on Sunday.
See the Columnists section for some past articles.
