Pa‘i Hapa Haole
festival opens tonight
Star-Bulletin staff
The Pa'i Foundation presents the second annual Hapa Haole Hula, Music and Film Festival tonight through Aug. 18, with films and talks taking place at the Honolulu Academy of Arts Doris Duke Theatre, and a competition finale taking place at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel Monarch Room. For more information, visit or call 754-2301.
Here is the schedule:
Film and Lecture Series
At the Doris Duke Theatre, Honolulu Academy of Arts. Tickets: $5 general and $3 for members.
Today: "Hula Images in Hollywood" talk. DeSoto Brown, of Bishop Museum Archives, presents a selection of film clips of Hawaiian music and hula spanning from the 1920s to the 1970s from the museum's collection; 7:30 p.m.
Tomorrow: "Hawaii Calls: Films of Hilo Hattie and Harry Owens." Steven Fredrick presents musical short subjects of Hawaii on film, including an episode of "Hawaii Calls" made for television; 1 and 7 p.m.
Thursday: Film Historian and collector Fredrick shares more gems from a bygone day with a program entitled "Swinging Grass Skirts: The Big Band Era in Hawaii"; 1 and 7 p.m.
Friday: "Waikiki Wedding" is the selection for Hollywood Film Feature Night. The 1937 film directed by Frank Tuttle stars Bing Crosby, Martha Raye and Anthony Quinn. The musical comedy hit's score includes Oscar-winning "Sweet Leilani" and "Blue Hawaii"; 7:30 p.m.
Saturday: "Bird of Paradise" is the Hollywood Film Feature Night selection. The handsomely mounted South Seas romance starring Delores Del Rio, Joel McCrea and Lon Chaney Jr. was directed by King Vidor in 1932. With selected short subjects; 7:30 p.m.
Sunday: "Tell Me a Joke: Comedians Go Native," with Fredrick, who shares more screen rarities from his collection, this time a family-friendly program of old-time comedies; 4 p.m.
Aug. 9: "Hawaii Au Go-Go: The Swinging Sixties," with Frederick, who shares rare TV episodes and a travelogue from the jet age; 7:30 p.m.
Aug. 10: "Hawaii's Fantasy Image in Advertising," slide show presentation with Brown, who takes a fascinating look at the beautiful and often whimsical images used to sell Hawaii and its mystique to the world for more than a century; 7:30 p.m.
Festival finale
Hapa Haole Solo Hula, Solo Vocal and Group Competition Finals Aug. 18 feature special guest appearances by Nina Keali'iwahamana, Beverly Noa and more.
The 2003 Hapa Haole vocal winner, Paul Shimomoto, will premiere his solo CD "Magic by the Sea," and the 2003 Miss Sophisticated Hula winner, Charlene Hazlewood, will also perform at the Royal Hawaiian Monarch Room. Tickets are $65 and include a hosted pupu and cocktail reception from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Call 754-2301 for tickets.

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