Wood Craft

Ben Wood
Hawaii’s best perform
at Melveen’s fund-raiser
Sunday's sold-out benefit to raise funds for Melveen Leed's medical bills raised $28,000 and there's more to come, Cha Thompson said. Cha, along with her husband Jack, John Tilton, Imaikalani Young and the Thompsons' Tihati Productions' volunteers worked hard to make the event at the Princess Kaiulani a huge success. Cha was the driving force. She also negotiated with doctors, heart specialists and hospitals to get Melveen's $40,000 in bills reduced. "Words cannot express the deep gratitude that I feel," Melveen said Monday. She was Sunday's final act. Before singing, she, Cha and Don Ho talked about the early years, bringing big laughs to the 600-plus crowd. Kimo Kahoano and Al Waterson split emcee chores over the great four-hour show. Get a load of the lineup: Genoa Keawe, Kealoha Kalama, Jimmy Borges, Marlene Sai, Nina Kealiiwahamana, Bev Noa, Jay Larrin, Andy Bumatai, George Kuo, Bill Kaiwa, Mel Cabang, Kanoe and Rodney Cazimero, Mike Kaawa & friends, Tina Santiago, Cecilio & Company, Na Palapalai, Sean & Lani Na'auao, Glenn Pinho, Jordan Segundo, Tony Conjugacion, and Augie Rey. House band was Imai & friends. Cha also danced hula ...
Jazz is high on the Ground Floor Friday nights
Kanoe Cazimero's vocals and hula were an added high for guests at the Ground Floor's Jazz night Friday. Sax player Boxhead Yoshino's group, with Kats Oto on keyboard, bassist Roland Aton and singer Myrna Suemori, perform Fridays at the little downtown spot at Queen and Richards. Gabe Baltazar, with his sax and clarinet, sat in Friday as did his trumpet playing brother, Norman. Kanoe was at her best singing "Somertime," pouring out emotion, then picking up the tempo and swinging freely. The "million-dollar" backup was solid. Myrna and Maggie Jacang were hot on a duet of "Bill Bailey." Gabe contributed a couple of vocals, using his own humorous lyrics. Past and present political figures Ann Kobayashi, Tony Chang and Dickie Wong were among the happy crowd ... Don't forget the Honolulu International Jazz Fest at the Hawaii Theatre Friday and Saturday, 7 p.m. ...
A baby shower was held at Longhi's Saturday afternoon for actress Julianne Morris, wife of "North Shore" star Kristoffer Polaha, who attended. Among others there were "North Shore" actress Nikki DeLoach and make-up artist Karen Preiser ...
See the Columnists section for some past articles.
Ben Wood, who sold the Star-Bulletin in the streets of downtown Honolulu during World War II, writes of people, places and things every Wednesday and Saturday. E-mail him at bwood@starbulletin.com