Matthew Odo
18, college student |
Theresa Park
20, college student |
Che Sabol
25, case manager |
Do we need another teen movie that
tells the story of Cinderella?
"Not really. I thought the original was good enough. If people want to watch it, that's their decision." |
"I think it's cute ... if they're gearing towards the kids, I say go for it. It really isn't needed, but I would go see it." |
"Why not? I wouldn't go see it, but if it's good for the teens now days ... and it's entertaining for them, go for it." |
Now that "North Shore" is on the air,
do you have high hopes for the other
two Hawaii-based television series
on the way?
"No. I'm not really interested. I only watch sports." |
"No. I haven't seen ('North Shore'). I don't care." |
"I have my doubts. I'm from the North Shore, and 'North Shore' is lame. It's cheesy." |
Is road construction interfering with
your summer social life?
"No -- I don't drive. I catch bus. It doesn't really matter." |
"It's really annoying. I take the bus, and it's ridiculous! It takes me two and a half hours to get home!" |
"It's definitely frustrating and irritating. And I don't necessarily agree with the times that they plan the construction." |