Beer lovers will get thirsty
viewing this site
As legend has it, Dave and Darrin, two proud, red-blooded American boozers, came upon the concept for their novel Web site over a few brews. Upon discovering that one of them had polished off the last beer, the pair agreed that the best way to determine which of the two should buy the next batch of beer, should it happen again, was to install a camera inside Dave's refrigerator.
The result was, which touts "the world's first-ever motion-detecting Web cam inside a real beer fridge." Thinking that a site that simply offered visitors a peek into Dave's refrigerator would have little return appeal for Web surfers, Dave and Darrin endeavored to make an entertaining experience which would take at least a six-pack to navigate through.
While visitors who happen upon the site are, in fact, treated to a slide show featuring snapshots taken from Dave's fridge, has been constructed to involve beer lovers from around the world by offering users the opportunity to upload beer-related photos of themselves to the Web site.
Visitors may also download movies of Darrin and Dave sampling home brews sent to them from fans of their Web site and peruse their rules for social drinking. Also included are a guide to preparing bachelor grub, a redneck gallery, a beer glass chart, a beer-loving guy's code of conduct and an online beer and bar-tending guide. You may also both read off-color sentiments or scrawl your own message on's virtual bathroom wall, though expect to occasionally encounter the sort of language one would expect to hear at, say, an all-night kegger or a strip joint.
Dave and Darrin also solicit donations from its users to both pay for the upkeep of the site and, of course, to keep their coolers stocked. In a video of their first purchase made with their brew fund, Darrin unloads several cases of beer from a pickup truck before hoisting a can of Coors Light in tribute of the site's donors. "We thank you for your donations," he says. "Cheers." Then Dave takes a sip from his own can and lets out a particularly naughty laugh as the screen fades to black.

 | Note: Web sites mentioned in this column were active at time of publication. The Honolulu Star-Bulletin neither endorses nor is responsible for their contents. |
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