Taking a bathroom
break? Were timing you!

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Friday, June 18, 2004
Brickwood Galuteria defeated Jimmy Toyama in an election to succeed Alex Santiago as Hawaii Democratic Party chairman. An item in "On the Scene" on Page D2 yesterday incorrectly said Galuteria replaced Toyama, who is the Oahu County chairman, as state party chairman.
The Honolulu Star-Bulletin strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage, call Editor Frank Bridgewater at 529-4791 or email him at corrections@starbulletin.com. |  |
A SPEEDY PITSTOP: Discomfort forged solidarity as Sondra Barker and many other music fans endured a 20-minute wait for a uni-sex restroom at the "Band Camp" concert on Friday. Barker sent a friend to the bar for napkins just in case toilet paper or towels ran out. She and the others in line made sure no latecomers cut in ahead of them (one suspect kid finally gave it up and slunk away). The ladies also kept track of how long those inside were taking, and the two men waiting in line ahead of them pounded on the door to hurry slow-pokes along. Barker completed her "pitstop" in 47 seconds -- hand-washing included. (Who says women dawdle?) She opens with Joe Moore and Pat Sajak in "The Honeymooners: The Lost Episodes" at Hawaii Theatre tonight ...
OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS: Hoku Award-winning record producer Gaylord Holomalia got his big break 20-plus years ago when music industry vet Rick Asher Keefer took him on as a studio musician/engineer-in-training at the original Sea-West Hawaii Studios in Kahuku. Holomalia is now studio manager at Avex Honolulu Studios, a world-class multi-studio facility in Hawaii Kai, and ready to share his knowledge with ambitious would-be studio engineers who want to do more than home-computer and closet studio recordings. Call 393-2021 for info ... Congratulations to Keith Scott, who says sales of his debut album, "Waikiki" are "going so well that we've been told the album has already gone aluminum (for sales of more than 50 copies)" since it was released in April. Sell another 499,950 copies and it goes "gold"! ... and to Tani Lynn, signed by Maui-based Rip Tide Records for her next album, "Hold On," which should be out later this year ...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: To Amy Hanaiali'i Gilliom, who celebrates tomorrow ... also to Mahina Souza (Saturday), Japanese slack-key guitarist Yuki "Alani" Yamauchi (Sunday), Jeff Apaka and Mihana Aluli Souza (Tuesday), and Jerry Santos (Wednesday) ...
WILL VOTERS get solace with Solis?: Now that disc jockey Brickwood Galuteria has replaced veteran Democratic Party worker Jimmy Toyama as chairman of the Hawaii Democratic Party, could Tony Solis be the next air personality to go for a high-profile political position? Solis cheerfully admits he's put in no time as a party worker, but he's at ease with the media, can speak in sound bites, and is comfortable talking to large groups. He also has good reviews as an actor, is a familiar face, has a new television show, and his heart "is in the right place." Solis is currently mulling campaign slogans such as "Solis -- Because it can't get any worse!" ...
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