Christine Fujimoto
20, college student |

McKay Stanley
20, college student |

Kaylyn Shoma
19, college student |
Does "Soul Plane" go overboard
with its style of comedy?
"Well, I saw the preview, (and) I thought it kind of took it too far. That's why I didn't think I'd want to see it. It didn't look like something worth spending money on." |
"I think they're just promoting (African-Americans') style. It's just a movie. For me, it's not offensive." |
"Yes and no. In a way, it can criticize other people, and in a way it's supposed to be a joke. I see it as both." |
Have you bought tickets for the
"American Idols Live!" concerts
in Honolulu?
"No, I haven't. I would have liked to go to the concert, but I thought $48 was a little bit too much to ask for people who aren't really professionals." |
"I'm planning to get one (this weekend). I like both (Jasmine and Camile) because they're from Hawaii." |
"No I have not. I'm not (a fan), but I did watch this season's one because my friend (Jasmine Trias) was in it." |
If you could go anywhere in
the world this summer, where
would you go?
"I'd probably say Europe, because I haven't been there yet, and a lot of my friends have been there recently for study abroad." |
"The Bahamas. I want to go on a cruise and see the islands." |
"To Europe. I just like the different places, like Paris and stuff, and people I know went there and said it's really nice." |