Honolulu firefighters worked yesterday on the engine of a Ford pickup truck which was driven onto the Kalakaua Avenue sidewalk, running over several pedestrians, killing one person. The truck came to rest near the Waikiki police substation.
Waikiki crash
kills 1, hurts 9
The driver of the truck that
jumps a curb is among those
taken to hospitals
A Japanese tourist was killed and her husband critically injured when a pickup truck jumped the curb, severed a fire hydrant and mowed down a group of pedestrians in Waikiki yesterday.
At least eight other people, including the truck's driver, were sent to area hospitals.
Several eyewitnesses said the driver appeared to be asleep or unconscious at the wheel of his Ford pickup before veering across four lanes of Kalakaua Avenue, jumping the makai curb and plowing into the crowd on the sidewalk near the Sheraton Moana Surfrider hotel around 4:15 p.m.
"We were by Haagen Daz when (my friend) Jasmine says, 'Oh, my God! That guy's asleep,' and then we all looked, and he started shooting across all the lanes, then hit the curb," said Kapahulu resident Darren Matthews. "After he jumped the curb, it was like he accelerated."
"You heard BOOM then BOOM again right away ... people were screaming."
Another witness said the driver appeared to wake up after he hit the curb but did not or could not stop.
"I went to see if I could help," said Justine Jones, also a Kapahulu resident. "One lady died, another guy lost his toe, another lady -- the side of her face was gone.
"It was just chaos."
The silver pickup truck stopped when it struck a fire hydrant next to the Waikiki police substation near Kuhio Beach, sending a plume of water several stories into the air.
Honolulu firefighters were on scene quickly because they were returning to their station via Kalakaua from another call when the crash occurred.

Honolulu Emergency Medical Services supervisor Kaipo Asing, left, talked with a man and child who received minor injuries during the incident. They were among at least nine people taken by ambulance to hospitals.
Emergency medical personnel confirmed that one woman, a Japanese tourist, was pronounced dead on arrival. Emergency Medical Services supervisor Kaipo Asing said she suffered "multiple traumatic injuries."
A man identified as her husband was taken to the Queen's Medical Center in "very critical condition" along with the man who lost his toe, according to emergency personnel. A third man was also taken to Queen's in serious condition.
Four others were taken to Straub Clinic and Hospital, including two women in stable condition and a man and his son who were treated for minor injuries. Asing said another victim was transported to Queen's, but the person's condition was unknown last night.
Witnesses said the driver of the pickup was conscious and speaking to police while sitting on a rock outside the police substation, but he was eventually taken by ambulance to Queen's in serious condition. Emergency workers said the man may have suffered a cardiac attack prior to passing out while driving.
"I was waiting to cross the street and saw him asleep at the wheel," said Waikiki resident Carolyn Hamilton. "I noticed him weaving a little. Then I heard the crash and saw the water shoot into the air like a big blast.
"By then, I couldn't see what happened because it was too far away, but I knew it was him ... then I walked up here and saw it was the same truck."
Police closed Kalakaua from Seaside Avenue while they investigated. The makai bound lane of Kaiulani Avenue between Kalakaua and Kuhio avenues was also closed until about 8:30 p.m.
Police homicide investigators were at the scene but were unavailable for comment. The driver will face charges.