For Your Benefit
For and about Hawaii's military

See also: In The Military

Vets can get benefits
while living overseas

Question: I'm planning a trip overseas with the intent of possibly relocating. Will the Department of Veterans Affairs take care of any medical problems and provide other benefits outside the United States?

Answer: VA will pay for medical services for the treatment of service-connected disabilities and related conditions or for medical services needed as part of a vocational rehabilitation program for veterans traveling or living outside the United States. Before using the program, veterans living in Canada should register with the VA Center in White River Junction, VT 05009-000, phone (802) 296-6379. Those living in the Philippines should register with the U.S. VA office in Pasay City, phone 011-632-833-4566. All other veterans living outside the United States should register with the Denver Foreign Medical Program office, P.O. Box 65021, Denver, CO 80206-9021. Outside the United States, VA pays for nursing-home care only in the Philippines.

VA monetary benefits, including compensation, pension, educational assistance and burial allowances, generally are payable overseas. Home loan guaranties are available only in the United States and selected U.S. territories and possessions. Educational benefits are limited to approved degree-granting programs in institutions of higher learning. Beneficiaries residing in foreign countries should contact the nearest American embassy or consulate for information and claims assistance. In Canada, veterans should contact an office of Veterans Affairs Canada. Additional information on benefits and services available outside the United States can be found on the Web at You can also call the VA at 433-0600 for medical questions or 433-1000 for benefit information.

Q: I am taking VA medication for a skin condition that is staining my clothes. Does the VA provide a clothing allowance for such cases?

A: Any veteran who is entitled to compensation for a service-connected disability for which he or she uses prosthetic or orthopedic appliances may receive an annual clothing allowance. The allowance is also available to any veteran whose service-connected skin condition requires prescribed medication that irreparably damages the veteran's garments. Veterans with qualifying service-connected disabilities can apply for a clothing allowance by calling 433-0600.

If you have questions about your benefits as a veteran,
call Fred Ballard at the Veterans Affairs at 433-0049
or visit the VA Web site at
or the Star-Bulletin at 529-4747.

Gregg K. Kakesako, who covers military affairs for the Star-Bulletin,
can be reached by phone at 294-4075
or by e-mail at


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