Click It -- oh,
to heck with it
The Click It or Ticket campaign starts tomorrow and I'm already sick of it. For two weeks every year, Hawaii residents are inundated with threats about being ticketed if they don't wear seat belts or have their kids properly belted.
Why don't police watch for seat belts all the time? Or did they take cops off important murder and robbery cases for this? Why don't we have a "Use Your Turn Signals, You Stupid #&%*@!!" campaign?
And why is it OK not to wear a seat belt if you're in the back seat? You're an even more effective missile if you launch through the windshield from the back. More torque. Maybe people in the back seat should wear helmets.
Speaking of helmets, this whole thing has me so befuddled I'm not even driving my car until it's over. I'm riding my Harley-Davidson everywhere instead. That must be safer, because there's no seat-belt law for motorcycles. But I'll wear a helmet, just in case.

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