Governor shouldn't visit a 'terrorist' nation
As a Jewish-American resident of Hawaii, I find Governor Lingle's much publicized trip this week to Israel personally offensive and shameful (Star-Bulletin, May 11).
Israel's human rights record is grossly faulted by its own human rights agency (B'tselem) and international human rights organizations for its racist and brutal treatment of Palestinians.
It also has not been hesitant to support national regimes that have been notorious violators of human rights (e.g. South Africa and Honduras), and the Sharon government helped fuel rumors regarding weapons of mass destruction to stampede the United States into the quagmire of Iraq. Israel has become the greatest security and economic liability of all U.S. alliances, soaking up more than $3 billion in direct U.S. aid each year, plus additional billions in indirect aid, forgiven loans and tax deductible contributions by American individuals.
Lingle has signed up for a canned Zionist sales tour of Israel. This is way beyond the pale of attracting business investments and economic opportunities for Hawaii. She should have taken this trip on her own time.
Jasmine also has fans from outside Hawaii
Concerning Hawaii's American Idol, Jasmine Trias: I would like to say to letter writers Stuart Yael Gordon of Annapolis, Md. and Chico Ruiz of Ewa Beach ... Phfffffft! They sure sound like sore losers (Letters, May 16). They both need to consult their "Math for Dummies" books.
According to one of the local papers in Hawaii, 4.5 million calls were placed last week for "America Idol." Only 1.5 million calls made it through to their switchboard. Now if they had 40 million votes that means that there are a lot of other voters out there voting for Jasmine who are not from Hawaii.
To Mr. Gordon, I say thanks for giving Hawaii all that power to completely control the votes! Next they will be claiming that its all a conspiracy! Can you here me now? Go Jasmine!! Votes will be coming from Nebraska as long as she is on the show.
Lee Laquihon
Bellevue, Neb.
Former Aiea resident
America must stay the course in Iraq
All Americans must stay focused on winning the peace in Iraq. Quitting now is exactly what the Islamic nuts expect us to do. Please stay above the partisan herd and help America do whatever it takes to defeat the maniacal terrorists.
Wishy-washy people lose. Focused, determined people win.
Secretary Rumsfeld and President Bush give us our best shot at defeating the enemy. Let's help them help all of America.
God's message didn't get through to Bush
When President Bush was asked whether he sought the advice of his father, the former president, before deciding to invade Iraq, he answered, "I seek advice from a higher power."
God is the God of love and compassion. Therein lies Bush's problem: God doesn't do war very well.

A bare swath of dirt is nearly all that's left of the corn planted and tended by Makaha Elementary School third-graders after thieves ravaged their corn field this month.
Help Makaha kids get message to thieves
Recent thefts from the Hoa Aina O Makaha, a nonprofit organization in partnership with Makaha Elementary School, have left the students at the school disillusioned and angry. The students' science curriculum includes many hands-on projects based at the farm, including agriculture. Sometime earlier this month, thieves stole the corn that the third-graders were getting ready to harvest. Planted earlier this school year, the crop represented their understanding of the growth cycle, beginning with germination and ending with the harvest.
Now, due to the greed and thoughtlessness of strangers, the children can add to their vocabulary: disappointed, saddened, furious, concerned. Third-grader John Nihipali wrote in a letter to the community, "I am sad because somebody stole our corn at our school and people in my classroom are crying and angry." Iolani Takushi wrote, "I feel really curious ... why would anybody steal corn from children?" "... (to) whoever stole our corn ... how would you like it if someone stole your stuff?" asked Haylie Joseph.
The children and staff are asking the Waianae community for help. If you know who has stolen the corn, bananas, taro and other items from the farm, let them know that the while the produce can be replaced, the damage to our students' knowledge, trust and innocence will take a longer time to heal. Isn't it time we work together to support the good things about Makaha?
The ponds at the state Capitol are full of icky green stuff. What, besides holding an election, can we do to get rid of all that scum at the Big Square Building? Or should we just replace the ponds with something else?
Tell us what you think, whether you know of a way to clean the ponds or if you'd rather see a remodel of the Capitol grounds. Anything would be an improvement.
Send your ideas by June 16 to:
Or by mail:
c/o Nancy Christenson
500 Ala Moana
7 Waterfront Plaza, Suite 210
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Or by fax:
c/o Nancy Christenson