The Shrek Sand Sculpture Extravaganza was held yesterday at Brunch on the Beach. University of Hawaii School of Architecture students carved ogre-sized figures of Shrek and his co-stars.
Hawaii receiving less funding for the needy
This year, Hawaii is receiving about half of the funds it obtained last year under the federal Emergency Food and Shelter Program, according to Irving Lauber, president of Aloha United Way.
The state is getting $272,000, down from $564,000 in 2003, he said.
The federal government uses a formula based on the unemployment rate to determine program funding for counties, but Lauber said the rate isn't a good indicator of need.
"Even last year's EFSP funds were woefully inadequate in meeting the tremendous need," Lauber said. "That money was gone in four months, so that shows you how much people are struggling."
To help make up the difference, Aloha United Way has opted not to take its administrative fee this year, he said.
Felony charges upheld in sexual assault case
WAILUKU » A judge has let stand two sexual assault charges filed against a 55-year-old Maui man accused of putting his tongue in the mouth of a 9-year-old girl.
Ronald Kalani of Kahului wanted the two felony counts reduced to harassment charges, petty misdemeanors.
Kalani's attorney, Deputy Public Defender William "Pili" McGrath, argued the alleged incidents didn't constitute sexual assault.
But Judge Joel August held this past week that 99.9 percent of people would consider such contact sexual in nature.
The girl was assaulted Jan. 5 at a Kahakuloa residence where she was staying and where Kalani was working, officials said.
Police, Fire, Courts

By Star-Bulletin staff
Father and son hit by alleged drunk driver
A Kailua-Kona man and his 7-year-old son were taken to the Queen's Medical Center on Oahu yesterday after being struck by a pickup truck whose driver was arrested for drunk driving.
The 40-year-old victim and his son were walking south along the mauka shoulder of Alii Drive when they were hit at about 12:43 p.m. by a 2003 Ford pick-up truck, police said. Their conditions were not available last night.
The truck's driver is being held in the Kona police cellblock pending further investigation.
Kalihi stabbing was gang-related
A stabbing in Kalihi earlier this month was gang-related, police said.
An 18-year-old Kalihi man stabbed a 17-year-old Ewa Beach boy twice with a knife during an argument May 8 at Kalakaua Gym, police said. The two are members of rival gangs.
Police said other gang members were at the gym when the fight broke out. The suspect fled and the victim was taken to the Queen's Medical Center in critical condition. He was later upgraded to guarded condition.
The 18-year-old was arrested at his Kalihi home Saturday on suspicion of attempted murder.

Honolulu Police Department Crimestoppers