Waipahu High School's (top row) Abigail Corpuz, Zerlinda Damo, Alvin Marquez and Lauren Medrano took first place in the business plan category of the 2004 High School Marketing Plan and Business Plan Competitions. Jessica Asentista, Ashley Suzuki and Heather Marie Tatum (first row) of Moanalua High School took the top prize for marketing.
Those with the
best plans win
Star-Bulletin staff
Students from Waipahu and Moanalua high schools took top honors yesterday in the 2004 High School Marketing Plan and Business Plan Competitions.
The winners in the business competition were Waipahu's Abigail Corpuz, Zerlinda Damo, Alvin Marquez and Lauren Medrano. Their business plan, Max Out: Maximum Outfits, involved unconventional retail products and services in the clothing industry. Lisa Sylva is their teacher.
Capturing the marketing competition were Jessica Asentista, Ashley Suzuki and Heather Marie Tatum of Moanalua. Their winning plan was for Menehune Marketers, a school store. Their teachers are Joanne Yonamine and Vangie Casinas.
The two-day event, which took place at the Sheraton Waikiki, involved 41 teams comprised of 150 students from public high schools. The competitions incorporated 26 business leaders in the community who volunteered their time and expertise to mentor teachers, and 32 judges who volunteered to critique the plans and presentations. Winners received plaques, medals, college scholarships and a better understanding of succeeding in business. First place was $500 per student, second was $300 per student and third was $200 per student. The students have to show proof they have enrolled in college to receive the money.
The second annual event and was sponsored by the state Department of Education and the University of Hawaii College of Business.