Doctor to discuss gastric bypass surgery
Dr. Kenric Murayama, medical director for minimally invasive surgery at the Queen's Medical Center, will discuss weight management options from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Queen's Conference Center Auditorium, Beretania and Punchbowl streets.
"From Overweight to Morbid Obesity: Regaining Control" is the title of Murayama's talk, which will include surgical options to treat morbid obesity, his experience in performing more than 200 gastric bypass surgeries and Queen's new Comprehensive Weight Management Program.
Call Queen's Referral Line at 537-7117 to register. Parking is available for $3 in Queen's Miller Street parking garage.
Event to offer emergency-medicine exhibits
Kuakini Health system will hold its annual open house from 8 a.m. to noon on next Thursday and May 14 for interested schools.
Teachers or parents who would like to place a school on the invitation list are asked to call 547-9168.
Students will have an opportunity to see exhibits from many Kuakini medical departments and hands-on displays with an ambulance, lifeguards and a U.S. Army medevac helicopter.
About 1,300 students attended last year's event to learn about health care, careers and a healthy lifestyle.
For more information or to place a school on the invitation list, call 547-9168.
>> The Conservation Council for Hawaii has recognized outstanding work of students focused on species conservation at the Hawaii Science and Engineering Fair on Oahu:
Junior Display Category: Conrad C. Sanborn, Kealakehe Intermediate School, "Avian Malaria and How It Affects Hawaii's Birds," and Megan Brittney McGill, Sunset Beach Elementary School, "Feral Cat Population in Hawaii."
Junior Research Category: Cameron A.I. Yasukawa, Waiakea Intermediate School, "Can a Sodium Chloride Solution Be Used as an Effective, Non-Toxic and Inexpensive Herbicide as Compared to Glyphosate in the Eradication of Verbascum thapsus?"
Senior Research Category: Andrew K. Knutson, Kamehameha Schools, "RAPD Analysis of Population Diversity of Hibiscus arnotianus. Year 2: Comparisons Between Geographically Isolated Populations."
>> Hawaii Pacific University students Sophie Barbara and Yu-Ling Chen each received a $500 scholarship from the Paradise of the Pacific Chapter of the Club Manager Association of America for majoring in travel industry management, among other qualifications.
Police, Fire, Courts

By Star-Bulletin staff
Police say Kalihi bank latest victim of robber
Police say a serial bank robber struck a Kalihi branch of American Savings Bank yesterday, his sixth robbery since last year.
The suspect passed a demand note to a teller at the 1620 N. School St. branch at 5 p.m. He allegedly told the teller that he was armed, received an undisclosed amount of cash and walked out of the bank.
Police said they believe the same suspect has robbed five other banks: the First Hawaiian Bank in Liliha on Friday, the American Savings Bank in McCully on April 22, Central Pacific Bank in Kalihi on April 17, American Savings Bank in Liliha on April 5, and the airport branch of Hawaii National Bank on Aug. 1.
The suspect is described as a man in his late 40s to early 50s, 5 feet 9 inches tall, with a heavy build, black hair and a tan complexion. Though the suspect has told bank employees he was armed, no weapon has been seen.
Anyone with information about the robberies may call Detective Derrick Kiyotoki at 529-3436. Anonymous calls may also be made to CrimeStoppers at 955-8300 or by dialing *CRIME on a cellular phone.
Man, 33, in critical condition after crash
A 33-year-old Honolulu man was critically injured in a one-car accident on the Kinau Street offramp of the H-1 freeway Tuesday night, police said.
Police said the man was driving erratically on the offramp at about 7:50 p.m. when his blue two-door 1992 Geo Metro drifted to the right and hit the guardrail. The driver then veered left, hit the curb, and the car spun onto the sidewalk and sheared off a fire hydrant at its base, police said.
The car overturned and the victim was ejected, according to police. He was taken to the Queen's Medical Center in critical condition suffering from multiple injuries.
Missing $25,000 leads to bank teller's arrest
Police arrested a 28-year-old female bank employee on suspicion of theft for allegedly stealing more than $25,000 from a customer's account.
The customer reported a suspicious transaction on the account to Central Pacific Bank's Keeaumoku Street branch, police said. The bank checked the transaction and found that more than $25,000 had been taken from the account.
The employee was arrested for suspicion of second-degree theft. She was released Tuesday pending investigation.
Police search for girl who has health woes
Big Island police are looking for a 16-year-old Hilo girl who suffers from a medical condition and has been missing since last week.
Barbara Widdecombe, of an Elm Street address in Hilo, was last seen last Thursday when her mother dropped her off at Waiakea High School where she is a 10th-grade student.
Widdecombe is described as being 5 feet 2 inches tall, 140 pounds, with brown shoulder-length hair, green eyes and a fair complexion. She was last seen wearing jeans, a pink T-shirt with the words "Spoiled Rotten" written in white letters, and sneakers. Police said the girl reportedly has mental and medical conditions that require medical attention.
Anyone with information about her is asked to call Officer Aubrey Auna of the South Hilo Patrol at 961-2213 or the police nonemergency number at 935-3311. Those who wish to remain anonymous may call CrimeStoppers at 961-8300 in Hilo or 329-8181 in Kona.

Honolulu Police Department Crimestoppers