Three generations of wearers, above, show the versatility of Mamo Howell designs, featuring her latest print, Pupu Hinuhinu. Dressed for Mother's Day, from left, are Tiana Berinobis, Shari Berinobis, Allene Floyd (seated), and Shaylene Berinobis.
Daughters proud to
copy mom’s style
Mamo and Cinnamon Girl offer
Mother's Day fashions that
triumphantly transcend
the traditional muumuu
Sometime around the age of 8, little girls grow out of the desire to dress like or be dressed by mom. The pull of self-expression takes over -- not to mention the peer allure of bared midriffs, miniskirts and belly button jewelry.
Local clothiers like Mamo Howell and Cinnamon Girl are doing their best to lure the wee ones back to the fold, with compatible looks that will help prevent family members from getting lost during the crush of mother-daughter restaurant rendezvous taking place on Mother's Day, Sunday.
To prove that dressing like mom doesn't mean giving up style for granny frocks, at the Japanese Women's Society Fashion Show Sunday, Mamo Howell showed ruffled miniskirts and matching backpacks for little girls, flirty sundresses for teens and 20-somethings, and glamorous pant ensembles for grown-ups that are as un-muumuulike as it gets.
After all, every girl needs a fashion muse. Why can't it be mom?
Shown above are a quartet of ensembles by Mamo Howell showcasing her Pupu Hinuhinu design, a tribute to the residents of Niihau and the artisans that perpetuate the art of Niihau Shell lei making. Pupu Hinuhinu, in 100 percent washable rayon, incorporates a quilt version of the Niihau Shells, as well as lei Kahelelani strands.

At Cinnamon Girl, Presley Robb, left, wears a Lil' Amber sundress ($38), while Shantel Awaya wears a Mandy shift in matching lavender floral print ($79).
Allene Floyd (grandmother) wears a conservative demitasse dress in linen with hints of Hinu Sand underneath the bustline and at the hemline, at $86.
Shari Berinobis (mother) models a two-piece ensemble featuring a bias-cut skirt and oversize blouse showcasing Hinu Ice. Cost: $130.
Shaylene Berinobis (daughter) is modeling what Howell refers to as "the cold shoulder" in Hinu Carnation. Sassy yet sweet, this romantic long dress features an empire bodice, spaghetti straps and lettuce-edged draped sleeves, $104.
Tiana Bernobis (daughter) wears a Hinu Olive tank top with floor-length linen skirt, $86.
Mamo Howell is at the Ward Warehouse. Call 591-2002 or visit www.mamohowell.com.
Meanwhile, Cinnamon Girl's success demonstrates that in a world filled with low-cut tops and abbreviated skirts and shorts, sweetness still sells.
The company keeps growing, with boutiques located at Ala Moana Center, Pearlridge, Ward Warehouse, Moana Surfrider, Queen Kaahumanu Center and Whalers Village on Maui, and in the Fashion Show Mall in Las Vegas. Or shop online at www.cinnamongirl.com.

Presley Robb wears a Lil' Brianna sundress ($38) with flouncy hem, in aqua print, from Cinammon Girl.

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