Donations sought to aid ailing officer
Honolulu police officials are asking for donations to help one of their officers who suffers from a tumor in his liver.
Eight-year police veteran Roger "Malu" Napoleon departed for Denver last night to have a 28-inch tumor removed. Police officials said doctors cannot remove the tumor locally.
Napoleon and his wife have a 6-year-old daughter and two sons, 5 years and 10 months.
Anyone who wants to help the family with medical expenses can make a check payable to "Friends of Roger Napoleon" and mail it to the Honolulu Police Federal Credit Union, 1537 Young St., 3rd Floor, Honolulu 96813.
Library program helps people trace ancestry
The Hawaii State Library is holding a free program to help anyone search for their family's history at 11 a.m. today in its Hawaii & Pacific section.
Luci Meyer, Hawaiian registry coordinator of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, will discuss genealogy and share sources that are used to search for family information. For more information, call 586-3535.
UH student is named Cherry Blossom Queen
The Honolulu Japanese Junior Chamber of Commerce has named Meredith Tsutayo Kuba the 2004 Cherry Blossom Festival Queen.
Kuba, 26, is a chemistry doctoral student at the University of Hawaii and a graduate of Punahou School.
Members of the 52nd Cherry Blossom Festival Court are First Princess Jerilyn Sayuri Itamoto; Princess Christine Jacqueline Ayako Gibo; Princess Audrey Takako Ida; Princess Natalie Reiko Yamada; and Miss Congeniality Roxine Akiko Kubo.
Roberta Ann Nobuko Arakawa was presented with the second annual Violet Niimi scholarship, which honors the first Cherry Blossom Festival Queen.
For more information on the winners and their upcoming community service project, call the chamber of commerce at 949-2255, or visit its Web site,
Boy's winning essay praises youth program
Raymond Wu won an essay contest describing why the youth program in Mayor Wright housing in Liliha is important to him.
The program, housed in the Pacific Gateway Center and co-sponsored by the Aloha United Way, helps him with his homework, cleans up the neighborhood and provides a food bank for residents, Wu wrote in the essay contest for 8- to 12-year-olds.
It is "the best thing that ever happened to me," he wrote in January.
The Kawananakoa Middle School sixth-grader is a member of the Mayor Wright Homes' Youth Crime Watch, the project's after-school program, and Drug Education for Youth.
Wu, 11, wants to become a police officer one day because of the policemen he has met through the program who "teach me about drugs and what they do to people (who use them)," he said. "They take us to activities and to camp."
His mother receives groceries from the food bank once a month, which really helps their family, Wu said.
He participated in the center's cleanup project by picking up rubbish, and worked up an appetite for the chili provided later.
"I like living at Mayor Wright because get plenty kids to play with," Wu said. His home is small, but he is happy living there with his parents, two brothers and two sisters. He did not have plans to buy something major with the $100 he won, just "maybe some snacks" to share with his friends and siblings.
Mayor Wright, a federally assisted housing project, is owned and operated by the state Housing and Community Development Corp. of Hawaii.
Police, Fire, Courts

By Star-Bulletin staff
Big Isle police seek missing Kalapana man
HILO » Big Island police are asking the public's help in locating Hank Roberts Sr., 71, a Puna District man missing since March 18.
Roberts was last seen walking near his home in Kalapana, said police Officer Greg Yamada, who described him as a "regular" in Pahoa, a district meeting place for people with a variety of alternative lifestyles.
Robert is noted for passionate statements against marijuana eradication to the Hawaii County Council when the Council is considering funding for the program.
"We don't have any solid leads right now," Yamada said.
Roberts is described as 5 feet 8 inches tall, about 160 pounds, with gray hair and blue eyes. Anyone with information about him is asked to call Yamada at 966-5835.
Undercover officers catch robbery suspect
A robbery victim turned to downtown undercover police officers for help on Thursday.
Police said the female victim was robbed by a man with a knife who fled with her money on foot.
Police said the victim notified nearby officers who, along with plainclothes police officers who were in the area conducting drug investigations, caught and detained the suspect.
Autopsy results still pending in man's death
Homicide investigators said they are still awaiting autopsy results for the body of an unidentified man found Thursday morning at Ala Moana Beach Park.
Park crews found the victim just after 7 p.m. and said he was a known homeless man who frequented the area.
The case is being investigated for now as an unattended death.

Honolulu Police Department Crimestoppers