Photojournalist PF Bentley captured Bill Clinton's last moments in the Oval Office as president in 2001. On the desk is a note for incoming President George W. Bush.
Bentley’s views
To introduce its "Lifestyle Enrichment" series, the Hilton Waikoloa Village on the Big Island will present five-day digital photography workshops taught by magazine Picture of the Year Award winner, photojournalist and Hawaii resident PF Bentley.
PF Bentley Digital Photo Workshop
Where: Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island
When: May 31 to June 4, June 7 to 11, Nov. 8 to 12
Cost: $2,863 per person ($2,143 with shared room) for six nights, seven days' accommodations; five-day PF Bentley Workshop; complimentary continental breakfast each workshop morning; Valley Waterfall Hike; and graduation party
Call: 808-886-1234, or log onto www.hiltonwaikoloavillage.com. Ask for package code P5. For information on the PF Bentley Digital Workshops, contact Cathy Saypol at 212-288-8496 or e-mail saypolpr@aol.com.
The workshops, set to run May 31 to June 4, June 7 to 11 and Nov. 8 to 12, will allow participants to enjoy their Hawaii visit while learning a new skill or fine-tuning their photographic abilities. Participants will be able to record their tropical memories like a pro and go home with a new way to remember their visit to paradise, and -- even better for the Hawaii Visitor & Convention Bureau -- share the photos with friends in search of a vacation destination.
The workshops, limited to 20 participants a session, are taught exclusively by Bentley, who is known for his behind-the-scenes coverage of United States presidents, rock stars and civil unrest in Haiti and Central America. Bentley was a pioneer in the use of digital cameras for journalism and has been recognized for his innovative approach to the art.
Bentley is an 18-year veteran of Time magazine's photojournalism team and a five-time "Picture of the Year" award winner. A graduate of the University of Hawaii's School of Education, he is currently an instructor in the Visual Journalism Department at the Brooks Institute of Photography.
The curriculum combines morning classroom instruction in comfortable, air-conditioned facilities. The workshop supplies the camera for instruction, Apple iBook computers and software, as well as suggestions for a myriad of afternoon, outdoor Hawaiian activities that can be photographed by participants.
Bentley will accompany interested participants on an easy Valley Waterfall Hike in a tropical forest. Participants will go home with a slide show -- set to music -- of their favorite images taken during the workshop.

Visitors and kamaaina explore the north shore of the Big Isle via horseback.

Bentley captures the beauty of a secret beach location on the Kohala Coast.

Visitors enjoy a large waterfall on the north shore of the island.

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