Alo-Ha! Friday

Charles Memminger

Blaisdell plaque a
monument to local egos

Happy Friday the 13th, a time for weirdness, which I found outside the Blaisdell Center's Exhibition Hall.

There's a monument in the grass with a big plaque on it that says: "Neal S. Blaisdell Center. Dedicated 1964. Exhibition Hall Dedicated 1995."

Then it lists the names of the mayor, City Council chairman and eight council members. It's terrific that the mayor and then-council members made sure they got all the credit for the exhibition hall. But nowhere on the plaque does it explain who Neal S. Blaisdell was and why a big old arena and exhibition hall would be named after him. Wouldn't the casual visitor to the exhibition hall rather know THAT than the name of some council chairman who served, if memory serves, for about 45 minutes?

For the record, Blaisdell was either a well-respected hair stylist around town or Honolulu mayor in the '60s.

And now the news:

Lovers get 'love you' knot

LUCKNOW, India (AP) >> Hindu nationalists fighting against Western cultural influence say they will shave young lovers' heads and beat them if they exchange Valentine's cards and gifts.

(Hallmark responded by issuing a special line of "Love Means Getting the Snot Kicked Out of You by Religious Wackos" cards.)

Sea lion hits the road

LOS BANOS, Calif. (AP) >> A sea lion that apparently swam upriver to inland California was found flopping along a highway 100 kilometers from sea.

(Scientists are trying to answer the question, "Why did the sea lion cross the road?")

Shark hits the road, too

SYDNEY (AP) >> Lifeguards were stunned when a man walked into their post with a small shark attached to his leg.

Luke Tresoglavic swam to shore, drove his car to the local surf club and sought help, all with the shark attached.

(The shark said later, "I was pretty sure I had him until we reached the freeway.")

Honolulu Lite on Sunday:

Gov. Linda Lingle lied to us about her whereabouts so she could slip off to visit Hawaii troops in Iraq without al-Qaida finding out and kind of blowing her up. If she lied us about her trip, what else has she lied about? Does she really want school reform? Is she truly anti-drugs? Does she really care about the kids? See Sunday's Honolulu Lite for answers.

Quote Me On This (Division of Language):

"'Whom are you?'" he said, for he had been to night school." -- George Ade

"I speak 12 languages, English the bestest." -- Stefan Bergman

"I can speak Esperanto like a native." -- Spike Milligan

See the Columnists section for some past articles.

Charles Memminger, winner of National Society
of Newspaper Columnists awards, appears
Tuesdays, Thursdays , Fridays and Sundays.


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