On View In The Islands

Heather Briskin employs disposable diapers and diaper pins to create "Baby Formal," on view in "Textiles & Fiber 2004" at 1132 Bishop St. through Feb. 22.
Mixing new and
classic fiber art
DIVERGING from its usual fare of paintings and sculpture, the exhibit space at 1132 Bishop St. is displaying "Textiles & Fiber 2004," a diverse group show with a range of works varying from traditional woven wall hangings to clothing pieces made of rubber bands and disposable diapers.
"There's a play in the show between fiber masters and emerging artists, says David Behlke, curator of the exhibit. Longtime fiber artist Jean Williams, for instance, has contributed classic, beautifully woven chenille hangings, while Heather Briskin, an art student, fashioned a strapless evening gown out of diapers and diaper pins.
Some especially striking pieces are "Ku In Its Many Forms" by Maile Andrade and "Combing Her Memories" by Jee UnKim. Andrade has compiled lists of masculine and feminine forms of "ku" in the Hawaiian language upon long, beautiful pieces of dyed fabric that cloak the exhibit's glass windows. Kim, a University of Hawaii art instructor, references the feminine experience using pig gut to create traditional Korean shoes with red thread flowing from the bottom of the shoes to pool onto the floor.
Other artists featured in the exhibit include Lucille Cooper, Linda Gue, Darius Homay, Allison Roscoe, Liz Train, Lori Uyehara and other, new artists.
"Textiles & Fiber 2004" is on display at 1132 Bishop St. through Feb. 22. Gallery hours are 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Mondays to Fridays and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays.

"Memories of Milolii" is among the clay-and-fiber works in the show created by fiber master Lucille Cooper in the 1980s.

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