Globe-trotting Methodist
to give lectures on Oahu
Methodist minister and author Grace Imathiu, who has been guest speaker at religious conferences and youth assemblies in the United States, Europe, Australia and Malaysia, will give a series of talks here next week.
"Words of Fire, Spirit of Grace" will be the theme of the three-day Britt Lecture series which opens at 7 p.m. Friday at First United Methodist Church, 1020 S. Beretania St.
The free lecture series will continue with talks at 7 p.m. next Saturday and Feb. 15. Each event will open with a devotional service and end with an opportunity for questions.
She will also present a seminar for pastors from 9 a.m. to noon Feb. 16.
The theme reflects the title of Imathiu's most recent book, which was released last year.
Born in Kenya, she has served as pastor of congregations in Kenya, Washington, Ohio, Tennessee and Wisconsin. She has attended Cambridge University in England and is working on a doctorate in New Testament study at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn.
The daughter of a Methodist minister, Imathiu is a founding member and associate director of Kenya Methodist University in Meru, Kenya.
The Britt Lectures have been offered for 25 years through an endowment by the late Dr. Clarence Britt and his wife, Caroline, of Tulsa, Okla.

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