On the Scene

John Berger

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, IVY!: Ivy Higa, center, celebrated in the VIP area with fashion maven Joey Caldarone and gal pal Sonya Durba as Russell Tanoue's monthly Piranha Room party continued with "Tabu" at the Ocean Club on Saturday. The capacity crowd inside, and long lines outside were nothing new, but Tanoue's fifth "Sin City" party was one of the best ever, and Ocean Club chef Anthony Faulkner outdid himself with the quality and quantity of items in the VIPs' buffet.

WHAT A GREAT JOB!: Ocean Club manager Dan Punch welcomed his co-hostesses, Malia Song, left, and Tara Fuller, who greeted lucky partyers with sample shots of Wet Gin. DJ Frankie and DJ Jose2Hype created dance mixes hot enough to get Russell Tanoue on the dance floor. Couples enjoying "Tabu" in the VIP area included Billie Ann Takaki and Randy Lueder, Marlene Baldueza and élan, and Sharon Sanchez and Junior Mika.

FREE AT LAST!: Stylish Jo Banda said she was "celebrating being single" after the end of a long relationship as she partied in the VIP area with Josh Olivas, left, and the inimitable Lance Rae.
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