Bush on right track with Iraq, Libya
President Bush's success in Iraq, such as the capture of Saddam Hussein, influenced Libya's Gadhafi to dismantle his arsenal of unconventional weapons. Obviously he wants to "regain a secure and respected place" among nations. He is convinced that Bush, like President Reagan, has the fortitude and talent to end regimes of rogue nations' dictators. I imagine he could not endure to have his hair and lips parted by American medics, like Saddam Hussein after he emerged from a rathole.
Hussein in jail tells leaders of North Korea, Syria and Iran to stop supporting terrorists and quit proliferation of WMD. I believe positive results will be a reality sooner than expected. With a healthy economy and success so far in Iraq and Afghanistan our president is on the right track and needs further support from mainstream America. With Libya's intention and Saddam being in jail we are heading to a safer America. Peace, prosperity and stability in the world is on the horizon.
Bernardo P. Benigno
Foster parents are in short supply
Your article covering the recent Christmas party for foster families ("Holiday party unites foster families," Star-Bulletin, Dec. 22) highlights the tremendous efforts put forth to improve the lives of children in foster care. More importantly, it reinforced the continuing need for quality foster parents in our state. Research has shown that a safe, nurturing home can help repair the damage caused to children by abuse and neglect, enabling them to go on to lead normal lives.
The noted shortage of foster parents in our state makes it a challenge to find safe, nurturing homes for these children. It is our hope that the commitment in our community will grow beyond Christmas parties as more individuals and families consider ways to help these children.
We ask readers to please consider becoming a foster parent (check out information on-line at www.hawaiifosterparent.org) or call us at 263-0920. Or consider becoming a volunteer guardian ad litem, speaking up for the needs of the child in court (call 538-5930 to sign up for training).
We also need volunteers to assist with our upcoming fundraiser. The event will raise awareness and provide funds for additional training and support to foster parents so they can better meet the needs of the children. Please help us help the children of Hawaii today and tomorrow.
Michael Troy
Hawaii Foster Parent Association
Pauahi's will was clear about admission
Some things are missing from the many letters about whether or not the non-Hawaiian youngster should be admitted to The Kamehameha Schools. Everyone should read Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop's will.
First, the kind and generous princess did not exclude any children in Hawaii. Second, she said in her will that the trustees should give "preference to Hawaiians of pure or part aboriginal blood." Our gracious alii nui made it clear that Hawaiians should be considered first.
If all of the Hawaiian children were being educated by The Kamehameha Schools, Pauahi would probably smile down on us, even if some non-Hawaiian children were then admitted.
Carmen Uilani Haugen
University mascot looks eerily familiar
Is it me, or does the University of Hawaii mascot guy portrayed on TV commercials remind anyone else of a homicidal, mood-swinging ice junkie?
According to national stats, maybe some genius inadvertently picked just the right symbol for our state.
Way to go.
Kevin Pololei Gagan
AIDS gets everyone, not just homosexuals
I refuse to proceed any further regarding the discussion about gay unions when a more serious matter is brought to the forefront about HIV/AIDS.
It seems Kathy Martin (Letters, Dec. 26) has all the answers when it comes to a serious disease like HIV. This is exactly the kind of attitude that perpetrates hate and provides the spreading power for HIV. Martin has voiced her narrow-minded perception of the world, which apparently extends only to the state of Hawaii, by selecting a group she does not agree with, and lays blame at their feet.
Countries like Africa are saturated with the virus and are filled with straight people who are sadly and slowly dying. Even more important, children are dying! The people are straight, the kids are kids and all in need of our help. No one should blame anyone for the spread of something that has such a terrible effect on humanity.
This mentality is like one from the early 1950s when the same ignorance campaigned against people who suffered from cancer. Or, if you will, the Archie Bunker mentality of the early 1970s, which shared the same ignorance.
Hate, ignorance and a narrow mind are the sole path of death and destruction, not gay unions.
D.J. DeMent
Hanapepe, Kauai
What should the city do with
the elegant old sewage pump station?
It's empty and fading, and now it's taking a beating from all the construction going on around it. The O.G. Traphagen-designed sewage pump station on Ala Moana Boulevard, more than a century old, is a monument to the glory days of municipal architecture, when city fathers took such pride in their community that even a humble sewage station became a landmark structure. Millions of tourists drive by it every year, and it's an embarrassing reminder of how poorly Honolulu treats its historic landmarks. Over the years, dozens of uses and excuses and blue-sky speculations have been suggested for the striking structure. Now we're asking you, Mr. and Mrs. Kimo Q. Publique, what should the city do with the elegant old pump building?
Send your ideas and solutions by Jan. 15 to:
Or mail them to:
c/o Nancy Christenson
500 Ala Moana
7 Waterfront Plaza, Suite 210
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
c/o Nancy Christenson