Oahu groups benefit
from charity walk
Star-Bulletin staff
The Hawaii Hotel & Lodging Association has distributed funds from its annual Visitor Industry Charity Walk to 56 Oahu charities.
Checks were presented to organizations that help the needy, including Angel Network Charities Inc., Honolulu Habitat for Humanity, and Friends of Foster Kids.
The charity walk raised $810,000 statewide. Oahu walkers raised $278,108.
Any charity may apply for funds from the walk. Recipients are selected based on need and the type of service they provide, with an emphasis on health, social, welfare and education services.
The walk is Hawaii's largest single-day fund-raiser and takes place on Oahu, Maui, Kauai and the Big Island. Moneys raised on each island are distributed to charities on that island.
For more information, visit www.charitywalk.org.