City parade to divert
traffic and bus service
The annual event downtown
will begin at 6 p.m. on Dec. 6
Star-Bulletin staff
The annual Honolulu City Lights Public Workers Electric Light Parade on Dec. 6 will affect traffic and some bus service with street closures, parking restrictions and various platforms and barricades downtown and in Chinatown.

The parade will begin about 6 p.m. at River Street, proceed east along North King Street and end at a closed area on South King Street between Punchbowl and Alapai streets in front of Honolulu Hale.
The parade, co-sponsored by the city and Hawaiian Electric Co., will feature city vehicles including a garbage truck, a bus, the zoo train and lawn mowers festooned with holiday lights and decorations. About 15 high school bands will also participate.
The first vehicles are expected to reach City Hall by 6:30. After the parade, the city vehicles will remain parked in front of Honolulu Hale until 8:15 p.m. so that families can inspect them.
The city suggests motorists bound for the downtown area arrive before 5 p.m. Special parking controls will be in place to allow access to parking at Mark's Garage, Macy's and the Chinatown Gateway parking lots from Beretania Street. Parking will also be available at the recently opened Smith Beretania Park garage.
Bus stops on King Street will be temporarily relocated to Hotel Street.
At 5:45 p.m., makai-bound traffic from Beretania will be allowed on Maunakea Street and Nuuanu Avenue. Maunakea traffic will be detoured eastbound on to Pauahi Street, and Nuuanu traffic will be detoured to Pauahi and Hotel. Smith Street will be closed makai of Pauahi, and Bishop Street will become two-way between Beretania and the 1000 Bishop parking lot.