Bread pudding
always a favorite
This dish was prepared by Warren Uchida of The Royal Hawaiian Hotel on "Hawaii's Kitchen" Sunday. The show airs at 5:30 p.m. on KHON/Fox.
Royal Hawaiian Bread Pudding
1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
2-1/2 cups sugar
6 whole eggs
1 quart heavy cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 16-ounce loaf Portuguese sweetbread, cut into cubes
1 to 2 tablespoons cinnamon
Beat butter and sugar with a spoon until creamy. Add eggs one at a time, beating slowly. Add cream and vanilla extract.
Butter a baking pan. Divide sweetbread into three parts. Place a layer of sweetbread in pan, sprinkle with cinnamon and cover with 1/3 of the butter/sugar mixture. Repeat layers to create 3 layers. Let set 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cover pan with foil and place in another pan filled halfway with water. Bake in water bath for 45 minutes to an hour. Remove foil for last 10 minutes so top browns. Serve warm with Crème Anglaise.
Crème Anglaise
1 quart heavy cream
1 vanilla bean
1 cup sugar
6 egg yolks
In a sauce pot, combine heavy cream and vanilla bean pod and bring to boil.
Meanwhile, combine sugar and egg yolks and mix until incorporated.
When cream comes to a boil, slowly whip into egg mixture, making sure to constantly stir. Pour mixture back into pot and return to stove. Continue to stir until mixture just begins to boil. Immediately remove from heat and return to stainless steel bowl set over ice. Continue to stir mixture so it cools rapidly.
When temperature reaches about 50 degrees, sauce may be refrigerated. It will thicken as it cools. If it becomes too thick, adjust consistency with milk.
Nutritional information unavailable.

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