
Dave Donnelly
Airline exec’s friends
play for his life
FORMER Hawaiian Airlines exec Lindsey Pollock is seriously ill and friends have organized a concert and silent auction to help pay his medical expenses. Lined up to entertain at the affair honoring one of the great founding communications experts in Hawaii are the Makaha Sons, Karen Keawehawai'i, Jay Larrin, Melveen Leed, O'Brian Eselu and more to be announced. The concert and auction will take place Saturday at the Sheraton Princess Kaiulani's Ainahau Ballroom. The auction starts at 7:30 p.m. and the concert follows ...
WHEN Jim Nabors showed up at the Perry & Price radio show Saturday morning to promote his annual "A Merry Christmas with Friends and Nabors" at the Hawaii Theatre Dec. 5 to 7, he was asked about the recent Andy Griffith show reunion. Nabors joked that he, Griffith and Don Knotts should have come out using walkers. Better yet, Nabors would like to reunite with the two in a show called "The Golden Guys." ...
TWICE in his acting career, localite Peter Clarke, now treading the boards in London, played a father with a daughter. Once, years ago, he played the father to actress Lolly Susi in "The Rainmaker" in Manoa, and just recently played the dad in David Mamet's "Reunion" at the Bridewell Theatre in London. Coming to see that show was Susi, who I saw as Benjamin's mother in "The Graduate" in London and we had a nice chat backstage. This time she went backstage to congratulate Clarke, who introduced her to his co-star, Melisande Cook. Susi reminded Clarke that in "The Rainmaker," his character, Starbuck, told her character, Lizzie, that she should have a more meaningful name: Melisande. Clarke did one of those classic double takes ... Clarke will be back here around New Years and has a role in HOT's "The Merry Widow." ...
LATE night host David Letterman wondered out loud in the direction of Robert Downey Jr. if it were such a good idea that the actor, in drug recovery, is planning to spend the Thanksgiving holidays in Hawaii with Woody Harrelson, a free spirit if there ever was one ...
AN ex-pat living in Australia saw a TV spot for a paint company that contained Bruddah Iz's "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and questioned whether royalties were paid for the use of the song. Well, Suzi Mechler of the Mountain Apple Company says the agency which produced the spots did in fact get the proper licensing and negotiated for broadcast rights Down Under ...
Just like Rocco
QUITE a gathering turned out for the 20th anniversary of Ed Wary's La Pasta on Pensacola. Martinis and wine flowed and the crowd enjoyed the cuisine whipped up by Wary and his son, the chef. Among those celebrating were Wary's beautiful wife and his cute daughter, Ellie. Also there, watching all that went on was Mama, Wary's mother. I asked if she really ran the place llike Rocco's mama on "The Restaurant," and she just laughed it off. But Wary bemusedly owned up, "She does, you know." Happy anniversary, Mama. You too, Ed ...
See the Columnists section for some past articles.
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
The Week That Was runs Sundays and recalls
items from Dave's 30 years of columns.
Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com