out there
The most rented videos, courtesy of Blockbuster Video, and the most bought DVDs, as listed by Billboard for last week:
Local video rentals
1. "Legally Blonde 2"
2. "Finding Nemo"
3. "The Hulk"
4. "The Matrix Reloaded"
5. "Whale Rider"
6. "Charlie's Angels -- Full Throttle"
7. "28 Days Later"
8. "The Italian Job"
9. "Wrong Turn"
10. "Eight Crazy Nights"
National DVD sales
1. "The Hulk" (Widescreen Special Edition)
2. "The Hulk" (Pan & Scan Special Edition)
3. "The Lion King" (Platinum Edition)
4. "The Matrix Reloaded" (Widescreen)
5. "The Matrix Reloaded" (Pan & Scan)
6. "Charlie's Angels -- Full Throttle" (Special Unrated Widescreen Edition)
7. "The Adventures of Indiana Jones" (Widescreen)
8. "The Sopranos: The Complete Fourth Season"
9. "The Adventures of Indiana Jones" (Pan & Scan)
10. "28 Days Later" (Widescreen)

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