
Dave Donnelly
From your NIAs
to your ankles
NIA sounds like one of those newfangled made-up names, but it isn't. As the NBC "Today" show advised its viewers, "Put aside the running, yoga and Pilates -- Nia may be just the way you choose to exercise in the days to come. And sure enough, Nia is what the Honolulu Club's Kiwi Heilman unveiled to members and others entered in the annual Juvenile Diabetes Walk. I'm not even sure what Pilates is (are?) and already we have something brand new based on numerous disciplines. Nia stands for Neurological Integrative Action, and you shouldn't be allowed to do it if you can't explain it ..
IF you're into Nia, you might want to skip this item. Nearly 300 Valley Isle residents attended the unveiling of the "Countdown-to-Opening" sign at the site of the soon-to-open Krispy Kreme site. The doughnut maker's 1939 Chevy panel delivery truck, named Eleanor, was stuck somewhere at sea, but Servco Lexus Maui donated a new Lexus SUV to transport the doughnuts from Kahului Airport to the event site. Maui Mayor Alan Arakawa was on hand to greet and escort the doughnuts to the event, which resulted in more than 1,000 Krispy Kremes being devoured ... Speaking of which, I was behind a Servco Lexus Courtesy Shuttle downtown this week, and was amazed to see that it was a Toyota SUV! ...
More Neighbor News
The question being asked in Upcountry Waimea on the Big Isle these days is, "Have you hugged a Rotarian today?" It was the Rotary Club of North Hawaii who came to the rescue and "saved" the 43rd annual Waimea Christmas Twilight Parade, now set for 6 p.m. on Dec. 6. Usually Parker Ranch provided the liability coverage necessary for the parade, but bailed out this year. In stepped Rotary to the Rescue, providing the insurance so Santa can once again make his Waimea appearance in the parade ... "The Red Hibiscus," a short subject filmed by Robert Pennybacker and featuring Mihana Souza of the group Puamana, will be shown as part of the Hawaii International Film Festival Thursday at Dole Cannery, Friday at both the Iao Theater on Maui and the Kaunakakai School of Molokai, Saturday at the Palace Theater in Hilo and Sunday at the Aloha Theater in Kona ... Film Festival honcho Chuck Boller is a nice fellow, but I was stopped in my tracks when I saw an ad of him smiling with the caption "HOT LOVER." You had to read on to realize this wasn't an assessment so much as a description of Boller as a lover of Hawaii Opera Theatre. Whew! ...
HALLOWEEN wrap -up. UH Athletics marketing exec Adam Primus set out to be a top sponsor of UH Sports at Halloween, so he went out dressed as a Papa John's Pizza delivery boy. Problem -- too many people demanded pizza before contributing ... After Damien beat Iolani for the ILH football championship, Damien faculty and administrators chose to celebrate their victory at the St. Louis Alumni Association Clubhouse, of all places. Maybe you need a long memory to recall the time Damien wanted to forfeit their games to St. Louis rather than get plastered on the field ...
See the Columnists section for some past articles.
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
The Week That Was runs Sundays and recalls
items from Dave's 30 years of columns.
Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com