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An update on past news

UH officials currently
working on new process
to select logo

Question: What ever happened to the new UH logo?

Answer: After the University of Hawaii rejected two logo designs submitted by a Maryland firm, a subcommittee of the Board of Regents has been talking with local designers and other interested parties and has been working on a new process to select a new UH logo.

These are the old proposed UH logo designs.

The three-member subcommittee of the regents forwarded a proposal to the university administration this month. The administration and the subcommittee are now working to refine and implement the proposal, and a process to select a design for a new logo will be announced to the public by the end of the year or the beginning of next year, said university spokeswoman Kate Wester.

The procedure could include a selection committee made up of university and community members, an open design competition to allow any individual or company to try to design a logo, a stipend for three semifinalists to refine their ideas and a further stipend for the individual or company selected for the final design.

"We want to make it an open and inclusive process," Wester said.

However, she emphasized that the details of the proposal are still being worked on and may change before a final process is adopted.

"The proposal is a work in progress," Wester said. "We fully expect there to be lots of refinements."

The logo will be used to help market the university.

Earlier this year, the university paid $72,000 of an $82,000 contract to the firm of Robert Rytter & Associates to come up with a new logo for the University of Hawaii system.

However, a community uproar against the "Wave" and "Spectrum" designs prompted the cancellation of the contract.

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