'Idol' countdown
If you don't have that song nailed now ... only a few days remain until the "American Idol" auditions taking place Tuesday at Aloha Stadium. Here are the latest details:
Auditioners can secure an audition spot by lining up near Gate 3 beginning at 9 a.m. Monday.
On Tuesday, wristbanded auditioners will be brought inside the stadium at 7 a.m.
All auditioners must have two forms of identification, including one photo ID. Auditioners must be a United States resident, 16 to 24 years old by Aug. 3, 2003, and eligible to work in the U.S. Candidates with any type of talent representation, recording contract, merchandising agreement, or other contractual arrangement that would prohibit them from entering into new management, recording and merchandising contracts, are ineligible.
No one under age 13 will be allowed to camp overnight, and no one will be allowed to hold a place in line for another person for an extended period of time.
Be prepared to sing a song of your choice a capella.
No auditions may be taped. More information is available at
Auditions will be featured during the premiere of the show in January 2004 on FOX.
Senior fair at Blaisdell
The three-day 19th annual Hawaii Senior's Fair/The Good Life Expo opens today at the Blaisdell Exhibition Hall, with free health seminars, information booths geared toward the 50-plus crowd covering issues of from finances to travel, to long-term care, and entertainment.
The fair runs 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily through Sunday, and admission is free.

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