
Dave Donnelly
The ageless
Herb Rogers
still on the aisle
PROBABLY my favorite moment at opening night of Manoa Valley Theatre's "Bat Boy: The Musical" was when an older gent came up at intermission and said how much he missed reading the theater reviews I wrote for the Star-Bulletin more than 30 years ago. I thanked him, and he said, "My name is Herb Rogers." Naturally I was embarrassed over not recognizing the man who brought in a couple of dozen shows to Hawaii including my favorite, "Fiddler on the Roof" starring Theo Bikel, which I fairly raved about and which sold out its run, netting a tidy profit for Rogers. He was burned by some others, which the feisty producer quickly reminded me, but it didn't stop him from producing some 480 equity productions across the Mainland and in Hawaii. Rogers, who refused to reveal his age -- "Even my wife doesn't know how old I am" -- was at "Bat Boy" because his son, Scott Rogers, directed it. Herb, who showed that he could still perform some nifty dance moves, said all three of his sons are in theater. As for Scott's work, it was impressive enough given the bizarre canvas he had to work on. "Bat Boy" made the tiresome "Urinetown," which I saw in S.F., mainstream and tuneful by comparison. See it and judge for yourself ...
Loggins in, loggin' out
SINGER Kenny Loggins has had his ups and downs in the music business, from riding high as half of Loggins and Messina to being let go by Columbia Records. Now after a depression period, Loggins has started his own label and chose who unveil his new CD at a party hosted by his close friend, Emme Tomimbang. She tied the CD release party in with her newest TV show, "Journey Thru Music," which also features the Makaha Sons, who left their management group to handle their own business affairs. At the party the Sons jammed with Loggins on a song they taught him, "Pupu Hino Hino." Loggins also joined Hapa performing "Your Mama Don't Dance." Emme's show airs Wednesday on KGMB-TV, after which she's taking a breather ...
INCIDENTALLY, Kenny Loggins will be going "Footloose" on New Year's Eve at the Hilton Hawaiian Village's Coral Ballroom ... And the Makaha Sons will be joining the ever-growing list of performers to entertain at Chai's Island Bistro on Sept. 25 and 26. It's been two years since the group has performed at Chai's. And for the next three Tuesdays, Na Palapalai will perform there ...
Like father...
FOLLOWING in her late father's footsteps, Pam Davis is immersing herself in the local publishing business. Her dad had published Aloha and R.S.V.P. magazines, among others, and Pam has a number of publications she's putting out. As the publisher of such publications as "Concierge," Davis is now specializing in newsletters aimed at various neighborhoods. The latest is "E. Ha'ikona," aimed at those in the Villages of Kapolei. She also publishes community newsletters for the Ewa by Gentry Community Association, the Mililani Town Association, the Waikele Community Association and other specialty publications. Daddy would have been proud of his young daughter ...
See the Columnists section for some past articles.
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
The Week That Was runs Sundays and recalls
items from Dave's 30 years of columns.
Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com