Isle GOP invites Bush
for stopover in October
The president might make
the visit here after visiting Thailand

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Thursday, Sept. 11, 2003
>> A $250-a-ticket political fund-raiser for the state Republican Party, dubbed "Governor Linda Lingle's Ball," will be held Oct. 2 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. A story on Page A1 yesterday incorrectly said the fund-raiser would be for Lingle.
The Honolulu Star-Bulletin strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage, call Editor Frank Bridgewater at 529-4791 or email him at |  |
Local Republican Party officials have invited President Bush to stop off in Hawaii after he visits Southeast Asia in late October.
Bush will attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Bangkok on Oct. 20. He is also expected to visit the Philippines before the APEC summit.
Hawaii GOP officials hope the president will have enough time for a visit on the way back.
GOP Chairman Brennon Morioka said that an invitation has been extended, but no decision has been made. He added that a presidential stop in Hawaii could be either an official visit or a political trip that might feature a fund-raiser or campaign rally.
Miriam Hellreich, the Hawaii GOP national committeewoman, said the local party is "just waiting for word back" from the White House.
"We just have to sit tight and hope for the best," Hellreich said.
If Bush does make an offi- cial stop here, it would be coordinated through Gov. Linda Lingle's office.
Lenny Klompus, Lingle's senior communications advisor, said there has been discussion about a possible visit but that nothing definite has been put together.
Klompus noted that a previous possible trip by the president was scrapped at the last minute. A spokesman for the U.S. Secret Service's Honolulu office said they have not been told of an impending presidential visit.
Bush has yet to visit Hawaii as president.
The Bush re-election campaign has already raised $35 million, and the president is proving to be a successful fund-raiser as his visits have brought in more than expected. GOP officials in Minnesota, for instance, said last month that a single speech by Bush picked up $1.4 million in contributions.
Lingle has a $250-a-person, black-tie fund-raiser planned for Oct. 2 and has offered to help with party fund-raisers next month.