Fong plantation to be auctioned
The 725-acre Senator Hiram Fong's Plantation & Gardens in Kahaluu will be auctioned to the highest bidder on the state Circuit Court steps at noon on Oct. 1.
The sale is the result of a Bank of Hawaii foreclosure suit, which was filed a year ago over a $750,000 debt that has now grown to about $1 million.
Fong, now 96, and his wife Ellyn borrowed from Bank of Hawaii in 1987 to buy the land under the garden complex which the Fongs turned into a Hawaiian horticultural showplace.
Fong and his wife, hit by lawsuits filed by other family members, filed for bankruptcy court protection a year ago but the state court action is separate.
Interested bidders can get escorted tours of the property Sunday between 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. by checking at the Fong Plantation office.
American Savings fetes new branch
American Savings Bank will celebrate the grand opening of its new main branch today.
Located on the ground floor of the American Savings Bank tower fronting Tamarind Park, the 5,400 square-foot branch is equipped with 11 full-featured teller windows, an Internet kiosk for online banking, and a wall of nine 52-inch plasma screens to provide the latest financial news and information on the bank's products and services.
American Savings will hold festivities from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. that will include a noontime performance by the bank Kapena. There also will be prizes and information booths.
With the larger, enhanced branch, American Savings will close its Richards Street branch on Oct. 20, but will keep its automated teller machine at that location.
American Savings is Hawaii's third-largest financial institution with more than $6.4 billion in assets. The bank has 71 branches located throughout Hawaii.
Ready to Learn gets Aloha Air grant
Ready to Learn, the nonprofit organization that provides school supplies to needy children, has received a grant of nearly $35,000 from Aloha Airlines.
Of that contribution, almost $15,000 was donated by Aloha employees as part of their annual collection drive for the organization. Aloha donated the remaining $20,000 by providing in-kind shipping services for the neighbor islands.
-- Wimberly Allison Tong & Goo has promoted David D. Moore to managing director of its Honolulu office. He joined WATG in 1989, working in its Singapore office for several years before returning to Hawaii in 2000 to become director of architecture in Honolulu, a position he will retain.
-- Emergency Room Nurse Michele "Micki" Brailo has been appointed Wahiawa General Hospital emergency room and intensive care unit manager. She has been an ER nurse for three years and replaces Stephanie Price, who has been named quality assurance coordinator.
-- American Express Honolulu office financial advisers Jennifer Du-Yung and Toddi Leilani Nakagawa have been given the company's President's Recognition Award. Du-Yung was previously J & J Associates president. She started her career as an accountant with DM & Associates and then served as Parkway Corp. controller. Nakagawa began her career with the company in 2000. Prior to that, she was an Outrigger Hotels & Resorts guest service representative. The President's Recognition Award recognizes client service.
-- Prudential Financial Inc. Honolulu office producer Stuart Chun has qualified for a place in the Million Dollar Round Table based on customer sales and service excellence. The independent association has more than 21,000 life insurance agent and manager members who have met ethical and professional requirements.