
Dave Donnelly
Fun fund-raiser features
former Miss Hawaiis
HOW many times can you fall in love in one evening? The question came up when 15 former Miss Hawaii titleholders gathered at the Hilton's Tapa Tower to show off their talents, mostly singing and/or dancing as a fund-raiser for the Yun Tau Zane scholarship fund. It was named for Hawaii's first Miss Hawaii in 1948, though Beverly Noa, who danced the most graceful hula to "We Are Hawaii," wasn't far behind, winning the title in 1952. The youngest Miss Hawaii ever, Erika Kauffman, gave a soulful rendition of "When I Fall in Love" that many of us, I'm sure, felt was directed at us. She was Miss Hawaii in 1997, at the tender age of 17, and is still a most youthful 24. There were numerous fine singers performing, not the least of whom is the current Miss Hawaii, Kanoelani Gibson, Atlantic City-bound, who did "Natural Woman" and convinced me she was one. Also getting good reaction from the crowd were Patricia Lei Anderson Murray, Cathy Foy-Mahi, Cheryl Bartlett, Candes Meijide Gentry, Billie Takaki and Traci Toguchi. With so many singers and dancers performing, it was a kick hearing Denby Dung playing "Soulful Strut" on a soprano sax. Dung is now sporting a ring -- did she get married? "No, but I'm engaged." When's the big day? "In about five years," she gushed. If she can hold on to that plan, she deserves a "Soulful Strut." ...
IN the audience and looking just fine was Liane Mark, who could have taken over the Miss Hawaii title when Angela Perez Baraquio became Miss America, but turned down the chance. I reminded her that a year ago she said she planned to marry in a year. In the best tradition of Ross and Rachel in "Friends," Mark murmured, "We're on a break." ... I sat with old friend Nora Meijide, Candes Gentry's mom, and if all these titleholders look as good as she does when they grow a bit older, they should be thrilled ...
Now to 'The Guys'
WITH more and more coming out about the 9/11 horror in New York, and as we approach the second anniversary, it seems the perfect time to stage the play "The Guys" as TAG, the Actors Group, is now doing Thursday through Sunday and continuing the following Thursday, 9/11 itself, through Sunday, closing on Sept. 28. And the little-seen film version, which was made just months after the Trade Center came down, also called "The Guys," stars Anthony LaPaglia (of TV's "Without a Trace") and Sigourney Weaver. It will be screened Sept. 10 at the Maui Film Festival. Weaver is married to Punahou grad Jim Simpson, whose off-Broadway theater was where "The Guys" got its first staging ...
Peak, not Valley Isle
NOT just the annual Maui Film Festival and the Writer's Workshop are taking place on the Valley Isle, but on Sept. 12-14 is LifeFest Maui at Wailea. The three-day event centers on health and wellness, and among the speakers is Dr. Deepak Chopra. There's also a 5K celebrity power walk featuring such personalities as Richard Chamberlain with proceeds to the American Cancer Society ... Also appearing will be Maui publicist Yvonne Biegel's mom, Yvonne Landavazo, DC, named Texas' Chiropractor of the Year ...
See the Columnists section for some past articles.
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
The Week That Was runs Sundays and recalls
items from Dave's 30 years of columns.
Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com