
Dave Donnelly
You’re dreaming
of getting enough sleep
LOCAL poet and writer Kathleen Norris, daughter of late trumpeter John Norris, had a piece in the July issue of O, the Oprah Magazine. Entitled "The Weary Woman's Manifesto," it was triggered by a comment made to her by an old monk during one of her first monastery retreats: "Sometimes sleep is the most spiritual thing you can do." That prompted a pastor in California to invite the poet to her church to speak on the subject -- she said that weariness is every woman's struggle in the Silicon Valley. Now that put the sagacious Norris to thinking about a cottage industry she may have awaiting her. "I rouse from languor," muses Norris, "get on a plane, and get paid to talk about being exhausted!" She figures that her late dad, had he been aware of such plans, would have said something like, "That's my girl!" ...
TRYING to imagine KHON's Trini Kaopuiki and Tonya Boyd behind bars triggers all kinds of fantasies, but it was all for charity. The two young women joined a hundred or so jailbirds -- people like American Savings exec Gabe Lee -- locked up in Bucadi Beppo to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Over $80,000 was raised for the cause and rumor has it Trini and Tonya were released for good behavior. Darn it ...
Kim, meet Cal
SOME interesting tidbits from the arena football Western Division champion Hawaiian Islanders 2003 banquet. Team owner Kimberly Wang, who introduced coach Cal Lee, admitted that when Lee was suggested as coach, she'd never heard of him. Taking the mike, Lee began by saying when approached, he'd never heard of Wang either. Actually, she's a sports figure in her own right as a horse competitor, and in fact was named World Champion Amateur Hunter Rider by both the Americana Quarter Horse Foundation and the American Hunter and Jumper Foundation. (That last organization may sound dodgy, but it isn't.) ...
LAST week's OC16 Premiere Party introduced the localites who'll be filling the Oceanic airwaves in the future, but scored largest with a blast from the past. Hawaii's Yvonne Elliman sang her hit tune, "If I Can't Have You," followed by performances by Na Leo Pilimihana and Henry Kapono ... Kapono and I guested together with Richie Walker on ICRT, the English-language Taiwan radio station, emanating from the Moana. And I reminded Walker of a duet he recorded with Elliman back in the '70s, and that I'd wondered in print how much it sold, what with her being under exclusive contract to RSO Records. "Not much," he replied with a laugh, "probably because she was under contract to RSO." ...
Olfactory memory
WHILE in Maui to appear at the Democratic Century Club, U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie also visited some small businesses and one was the Roselani Ice Cream plant in Wailuku. When manager Kathy Nobriga Kim opened the door to the production room, Abercrombie's first words were, "Oh, that smell!" Turn out when he was a teen, the congressman worked on a diary farm that made ice cream and he had to wash out 10-gallon cans .
See the Columnists section for some past articles.
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
The Week That Was runs Sundays and recalls
items from Dave's 30 years of columns.
Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com