In solidarity or selfishness?
Among 13,000 Oahu residents who rely on Handi-Vans for transportation are some 150 who use the service to get to their life-saving kidney dialysis treatments. Unfortunately for them, Mel Kahele, head of the Teamsters Union Local 996, asked 300 Handi-Van employees to walk out today in solidarity with Honolulu's city bus drivers.
"We want this strike to be as effective as possible so we can get off the picket line and start picking up our passengers," Kahele said with a straight face.
Management wants a temporary wage freeze, a sticking point for the union. But at $44,000 a year, TheBus drivers are among the nations top 25 public-transit wage earners, raking in more than police officers, firefighters and teachers.
While Kahele is demanding more money where none exists, 150 human beings are wondering how they'll survive a strike. (I wonder how many of them make $44,000 a year?)
I understand that a union leader's job is to look out for the workers, but this is going too far. Mr. Kahele, this is appalling.
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