On the Scene

John Berger

Marlene Baldueza, second from right, threw a great party for her boyfriend, record producer élan, center, at Kakaako Waterfront Park on Aug. 17. Joining the happy couple in a shady area were Jason Ulep, left, of the Hypersquad Dance Company; Jane Loo; Kale Chang, of Reign; and Jason Lent. Marlene sat in with the men of Inoa'ole and displayed great appeal performing as a solo vocalist with the band.

Miss Hawaii Kanoe Gibson, left, talked with Ben Vegas, her sister, Maila Gibson and Jane Loo at Rumours on Tuesday. Russell Tanoue presented the event as a fund-raiser/send-off party for Kanoe, who is preparing for the Miss America Pageant.

Henry Kapono, left, Jay Larrin, Lina Girl, Braddah Sam and Ray Bumatai relaxed after performing in the multimedia concert that capped Oceanic Cable's fall season preview party at Paliku Theatre on Wednesday. OC16 will run local shows on an around-the-clock basis starting in September. Among the shows premiering this fall is a new Bumatai comedy game show, "Mental Tilapia."
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