New releases by Hawaii authors
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"The Marionette's Children," by Jared Lum (Booklocker, $14.95) |
One of the ways you can spot a print-on-demand title that hasn't been professionally prepared is in the quote marks -- they're still in TEXT mode. A little more polish always helps, and that's true of this first novel by Honolulu tennis enthusiast and film critic Lum. It reads more like the treatment of a full-fledged piece. That said, and based on what is here, Lum is admirably restrained and plot-oriented in this rather mild thriller about murder and First-Family stalkers. It pretty much takes place in New Mexico, but don't expect any regional color.
"Cardinal Points -- Poems on St. Louis Cardinals Baseball," by Joseph Stanton (McFarland, $23.95)
Disclaimer: My wife and I seriously considered naming a boy child Orlando Cepeda Burlingame (luckily, we had girls), and as someone eternally frustrated with the Cards' neverending flirtation with dominating the Central Division of the National League, this slim volume of baseball poems by University of Hawaii humanities prof Stanton has undeniable appeal. Stanton apparently grew up in Busch Stadium and the works here are solid and heartfelt, if a bit stiff at times. Not a home run, but an easy double, and if you're a redbird fan, an exhilarating triple.
"The Musubi Man's New Friend," by Sandi Takayama, illustrated by Pat Hall (Bess Press, $9.95)
The local kine edition of the classic Gingerbread Man is Takayama's Musubi Man, a bite-sized homunculus made of rice and what appears to be the green plastic stuff that decorates bento tins. This time out the footloose creature pines for another riceball just like him, only in the shape of a girl. Add a heart of Spam and away they go. Hall's cheerful illustrations take the edge off of what could be a slightly creepy tale in the wrong hands. What if Mr. and Ms. Musubi wander too near Sam Choy? Gulp!
Reviewed by Burl Burlingame
Send items at least two weeks in advance of publication to 7 Waterfront Plaza, Suite 210, Honolulu 96813; or fax 529-4750.
"Surfer Boy," "Hula Girl" and "Haole Girl"
By Gael Mustapha, 1 p.m. Saturday at Waldenbooks Kahala. Call 737-9550.
Barnes & Noble
10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and 11 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Call 737-3323.
Borders Waikele
10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Saturdays. Call 676-6699.
Borders Ward Centre
10:30 a.m. Wednesdays and 11 a.m. Saturdays. Call 591-8995.
Hawaii State Library
10:30 to 11 a.m. Saturdays at the library's Edna Allyn Room for Children. Keiki of all ages are welcome. Call 586-3510.
Kaimuki Public Library
10:30 to 10:50 a.m. Thursdays at the library. For toddlers and their accompanying adult; led by children's librarian Sandra Hall. No sign-up needed. Call 733-8423.
AAUW Multicultural Book Group
6:30 to 8 p.m. every fourth Monday of the month. Call 537-4702 for location.
African American Literary Book Group
6:30 to 8:30 p.m. every second and fourth Monday of the month at 1132 Bishop St., Suite 1404. Call 528-5037 to confirm attendance and book title.
Bestsellers Reading Group
Meets at 7 p.m. every second Wednesday of the month at Borders Waikele; 676-6699.
Crafts and Stories: 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at Barnes & Noble; call 737-3323.
Book Sale
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 6 to 7:45 p.m. Wednesdays; also 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays at the Kaneohe Public Library. The Friends of Kaneohe Library offer a wide range of fiction and nonfiction for all ages at bargain prices. Call 233-5676.
International Women's Writing Guild
Bring your muse, pen and notebook. 7 p.m. every first and third Wednesday of the month at Borders Waikele; call 676-7820.
Literature Readers Group
Meets at 7 p.m. every second Tuesday of the month at Borders Ward Centre; call 591-8995.
Moonlight Storytellers
7 to 9 p.m. every second Friday of the month. Novice and experienced storytellers are welcome to swap tales and develop storytelling skills at these informal meetings. Call Vicky Dworkin at 262-2049 for topics and locations.
Online Fun
Barnes & Noble author chat room at or America Online (keyword: bn). Call Elke Villa at 212-414-6157 or e-mail
Open Mic
Poets and writers are welcome to share their works, 7 p.m. every third Friday of the month at Barnes & Noble; call 737-3323.
The "Other" Reading Group
7 p.m. every last Tuesday of the month at Borders Waikele; call 676-6699.
Poetry Writers Circle
7 p.m. every third Thursday of month at Borders Ward Centre; call 596-8194.
Romance Readers Anonymous
6:30 p.m. every second Thursday of the month at Borders Waikele; call 676-6699.
Romantic Borders Readers Group
7 p.m. every second Thursday of the month at Borders Ward Centre; call 591-8995.
"Sammath Naur"
The Mythopoeic Society of Hawaii meets every third Saturday of the month to discuss fantasy, science-fiction and other literature; 638-7497.
Science Fiction and Fantasy Reading Group
7 p.m. every last Thursday of the month at Borders Ward Centre; call 591-8995.
Shakespeare on Sunday
7 p.m. every second and fourth Sunday of the month at Barnes & Noble. A different play is presented every other week. Call 737-3323.
Spiritual Book Club
10 a.m. Thursdays in Hawaii Kai. Sponsored by Church of Keauhou. The club is currently studying Dr. Phil's book "Self Matters" during its meetings. Call Sue at 988-8618 for details.
Writers Support Group
3 p.m. every first Friday of the month at Borders Waikele; call 676-6699.
Call for submissions
Hybolics is currently accepting submissions for an upcoming "Gen X Local" issue. Original poems, plays, stories, songs, raps, artwork, comic strips, essays and other works may be sent to Hybolics Inc., attn: Gen X Local Anthology, P.O. Box 3016, Aiea 96701. E-mail

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