Kokua Line

June Watanabe

Divorce decree needed
for ID to check name

Question: Before I went to get a state ID card, I called to ask exactly what I needed. I was told to bring a Social Security card and a birth certificate. But when applying, I was asked for a divorce decree because I checked "divorced." Why does my prior marital status have anything to do with who I am? The state ID card has no indication of marital status. Also, my girlfriend who just moved from California was told her driver's license and a U.S. passport were not enough identification.

Answer: For a state ID card, the key requirement is proof of a legal name.

With divorces, although it's rare for a male to go through a name change, it's not unheard of. So, the ID office asks both men and women for proof there was or was not a name change because it can't discriminate based on gender, explained Liane Moriyama, administrator of the Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center.

Moriyama apologizes if "our staff was not clear in the phone call," saying you should have been told upfront that if you had ever been married, divorced or had a name change, you must present the applicable certified document.

Meanwhile, Moriyama said she needs more information before commenting directly on your girlfriend's situation. What's normally required is a Social Security card, a certified birth certificate, and again, if she had ever been married, divorced or had legal name change, the applicable certified documents.

If you have further questions, call Virtta Hite, civil identification supervisor, at 587-3112.

Question: Can you please help to get a very dangerous situation fixed? There is a broken chain-link fence in the back of a bus stop at 1577 Thurston Ave. There is a good 15-foot drop if you step too far back or fall in the dark -- or are horsing around the stop as the students do after school.

Answer: The city Department of Facility Maintenance has issued a work order for its crews to fix or replace the fence.

It's not certain when the work will be done, but it is on the department's list, according to officials with the city Department of Planning & Permitting.

Meanwhile, the department noted that on March 24 a notice of violation was issued for litter fronting the property at that address. The litter subsequently was cleared.


To our guardian angel bus driver, driving bus No. 303 on the freeway at about 10:15 p.m. Sunday, May 18, for letting us know we had a flat tire. We are eternally grateful. -- Ruthie

(Oahu Transit Service's Customer Services Department identified the driver as Romeo Andres.)


To the family of the late Dick Katsunari Shigemi, a well-known and dedicated former teacher at Likelike Elementary School. His influence and caring attitude toward his students and their families are recorded in the minds of countless residents and former residents of Palama and Kalihi. Former principals, teachers and thousands of students will not forget his tenure of over 31 years (1939-1970) at that school. -- Roy E. Shigemura


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