Letter carriers
collecting food today
Star-Bulletin staff
To aid the fight against hunger, letter carriers will collect food donations today from postal customers in Hawaii and across the country.
Residents can place nonperishable food items next to their mailboxes for collection.
Neighbor island post offices that do not have home delivery have been collecting items this week.
Residents also may drop off their donations at their local post office.
Food collected in this 11th annual food drive by the National Association of Letter Carriers will go to local community food banks.
The items most needed are canned meats, pastas, soups, pork and beans, fruit and vegetables. Also needed are packaged dry beans, pasta, rice and cereal.
Last year, Hawaii's letter carriers collected and delivered a record 319,041 pounds of food from Hawaii's residents to the Hawaii Foodbank.
More than 62.7 million pounds of food were collected nationwide.
Hawaii Foodbank